Cost-Efficient Resource Allocation for AWS EC2 Instances

sammani wimalaratne
10 min readMay 14, 2024


The world of the digital era has transformed the cloud into an essential part of computing which, in turn, serves as the reason for the great scalability, flexibility, and effectiveness. AWS is well-known as a cloud service provider that incites innovation and allows both businesses and individuals to conveniently develop, deploy and expand applications.

However, with great power comes great responsibility, especially when it comes to optimizing resource allocation for cost efficiency. Therefore, managing resources efficiently for cost-effectiveness is essential when utilizing those tools.👩🏽‍🔧

In this article, I will explore how we can handle resources smartly to maximize effectiveness while minimizing expenses. I’ll help you understand and use AWS cost analysis tools, giving you the confidence to navigate the cloud environment smoothly.

Okayy!!! Let’s GOOOO!!!! 👨🏼‍🚀

Importance of Optimizing Resource Allocation for Cost Efficiency:

On the one hand, AWS provides scalability and flexibility, but on the other hand, inefficient resource allocation can result in over-provisioning of resources which in turn will lead to extra costs.

Instances that are too big with more than enough resources can charge high bills, likewise, the instances that are too small may cause performance bottlenecks. 😲

Business illustrations by Storyset

Therefore, the best way to achieve the aim of being the most cost-efficient and to get the maximum value out of AWS services is to optimize the resource allocation.

Understanding Instance Requirements:

When we are selecting an AWS instance, several factors need to be considered. Those are,

  1. RAM.
  2. Storage.
  3. AMI (Amazon Machine Image).
  4. Instance type.

So, let’s try to see these important factors that impact instance selection and their importance in different workload requirements.

1. Important factors that impact instance selection.

🚀 RAM (Random Access Memory):

It is a kind of temporary storage space for the data and processes. And it facilitates quick data access and manipulation. Such workloads that are data processing intensive, such as databases or analytics, usually get the advantage of ample RAM to cope with multiple tasks effectively.

🚀 Storage Capacity:

This is also a crucial factor because it determines how much data can be stored and how quickly it can be accessed and retrieved. Aws offers various storage options,

  1. Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) — Provide block-level storage for use with Amazon EC2 instances, offering persistent and high-performance storage.
  2. Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) — Provides scalable object storage suitable for large amounts of unstructured data, ideal for backup, archiving, and big data analysis.

Choosing the right storage type and capacity is essential for data persistence, performance, and scalability.

🚀 AMI (Amazon Machine Image):

An AMI is a pre-configured template that contains the operating system, application server, and applications required to launch your instance. When choosing AMI consider the below,

Free Tier Eligibility: AWS provides free tier eligible AMIs, which can help significantly to save costs, particularly for small or development workloads.

Configuration: Make sure that the AMI contains the required software and configuration for your application.

Custom AMIs: You can create custom AMIs tailored to your specific needs, providing consistency across instances.

🚀 Instance Type:

This tells us the type of underlying hardware, which includes the CPU, the memory, the storage, and the networking capabilities.

☘️ vCPU and RAM:

The number of virtual CPUs (vCPU) and the amount of RAM are critical for determining the performance of the instance. Different instance types offer varying combinations of these resources.

Instance type categories:

General Purpose — Balanced resources for a variety of workloads (e.g., t3, m5).
Compute Optimized — High CPU performance for compute-intensive tasks (e.g., c5).
Memory Optimized — Large memory sizes for memory-intensive applications (e.g., r5, x1).
Storage Optimized — High disk throughput for applications requiring fast local storage (e.g., i3, d2).
Accelerated Computing — Instances with GPUs for machine learning and high-performance computing (e.g., p3, g4).

The correct instance type for your workload is the one that makes the performance and efficiency the best.

Source: AWS Instance Types

2. Importance in different workload requirements.

🚀 CPU-Intensive Workloads:

Tasks that are largely based on computational power, like video encoding, rendering, or scientific simulations, require instances with strong CPU capabilities. The Instanced Compute Optimized instances, which are characterized by high-performance processors, are just the right choice for these situations, thus, making it possible to perform the CPU-bound tasks in a short period of time without the loss of performance.

🚀 Memory-Intensive Workloads:

Applications that analyze big data or keep on using memory are normally the ones that need the RAMs to store and process data. The instances that have the memory resources, which are mostly allocated to memory-intensive tasks, are the ones that are the best in managing memory-intensive workloads, hence, they perform the best and the fastest.

🚀 Storage-Heavy Workloads:

The workloads that have the tasks of storing, retrieving, and processing a huge amount of data, such as data warehouses, content delivery networks, or media streaming platforms, are the ones that require a lot of storage resources. Storage Optimized instances, which have high-capacity local storage or optimized storage subsystems, are the ones that are needed to meet the demands of storage-heavy applications as they provide storage scalability and throughput to the storage needs.

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In a nutshell, understanding the relationship between RAM, storage, AMI, and instance type is key to making an informed choice when selecting AWS instances.

Through the correlation of instance specifications with workload requirements, you can maximize the performance, scalability, and revenue, while at the same time, you can make sure that the cloud computing experience is smooth and is fitted to your requirements.

Okay, guys…Are you ready to dive into something super useful that is helping you understand & manage costs in a breeze 🦸‍♀️
Let’s explore it…………………

Utilizing AWS Cost Profile and Pricing Calculator:

Both AWS Cost Profile and AWS Pricing Calculator are tools designed to serve the purpose of helping users estimate and manage costs within the AWS ecosystem.

Through this article, I’ll give an example using screenshots from the AWS Pricing Calculator that will demonstrate to users how they can estimate the expenses before the creation of EC2 instances.

Although the Pricing Calculator is being used for demonstration purposes, it’s important to note that the AWS Cost Profile is the one that offers the maintenance and the management of the real spending, while the Pricing Calculator only offers the estimation of the spending before the deployment.

So, these tools combined provide users with a complete method of cost optimization in AWS.

(1) AWS Pricing Calculator

🪐 Official Documentation: What is AWS Pricing Calculator?

Prior to setting up EC2 instances, the AWS Pricing Calculator can be used to achieve a budget estimate which will be based on your desired configuration. The reason is that it enables you to have better budgeting and makes sure that the instance types you have selected correspond with your financial limitations.

Users can define different parameters like instance type, storage size, data transfer, and region to figure out the estimated cost of their AWS usage. After you have the budget calculation from the Pricing Calculator, you can start to create EC2 instances based on the estimated budget.

(2) AWS Cost Profile

🪐Official Documentation: What is AWS Application Cost Profiler?

AWS cost profiling gives users a chance to know how they are using their resources and spending their money, which helps them to make wise decisions on how to distribute the resources.

Creating a cost profile for AWS in the Management Console is a simple task which will help you to set up budget limits, allocate resources in a cost-effective way, and monitor the spending patterns over a period of time. Through tools such as AWS Cost Explorer, you can picture the cost data, find out the cost drivers, and take cost-saving measures before anything happens.

I hope you have an overall basic idea of these 2 tools now. As I mentioned before let’s dive into a demonstration of AWS Pricing Calculator with an example. 🚀

Getting Started With AWS Pricing Calculator:

By following below steps in the AWS Pricing Calculator is the way of how users can get a more accurate budget estimation according to their specific needs. Thus, the aforementioned pre-deployment estimation process helps in better financial planning and makes sure that the chosen instance types are the ones that perfectly fit the budget constraints thereby, making the decisions in resource allocation more informed.

(1) Go to AWS Pricing Calculator — AWS Pricing Calculator. Then after choosing Create estimate.

(2) On the “Add service” page Enter Amazon EC2/ EC2 in the search bar and click on Configure.

(3) Describe your estimate in the Description field & pick a region.

(4) Adjust the EC2 settings to match your specific requirements. You’ll see the total upfront and monthly costs based on your chosen EC2 settings.

According to the screenshots numbered steps (1), (2), and (3) correspond to crucial cost metrics: The On-demand Hourly Cost, Total Upfront Cost, and Total Monthly Cost, respectively. These metrics give very important information on the financial aspects of using the chosen instance type, hence, the users will make the right decisions that are in line with their budget.

(5) Finally, click on “Save and add service” to complete the process. By choosing View summary you can see the estimate you created.

EC2 purchasing options:

Amazon EC2 offers several purchasing options to provide flexibility and cost-effectiveness for different use cases.

  1. On-Demand Instances.
  2. Reserved Instances (RIs).
  3. Savings Plans.
  4. Spot Instances.
  5. Dedicated Hosts.
  6. Dedicated Instances.
  7. Capacity Reservations.

These options provide a range of pricing models to optimize cost and performance based on specific requirements and workloads.


📎 If your application will run for a long duration (e.g., several months to years), selecting a Reserved Instance is cost-efficient. Reserved Instances allow you to commit to using AWS resources for a one- or three-year term, providing significant discounts compared to On-Demand pricing.

📎 If your application is short-term or involves small, flexible data processing tasks, selecting a Spot Instance can be cost-efficient. Spot Instances take advantage of unused EC2 capacity at reduced prices, often offering substantial savings. However, they can be terminated by AWS with little notice if the capacity is needed for other customers, making them ideal for applications that can handle interruptions.

Best practices to reduce AWS costs:

Woman illustrations by Storyset
  1. Instance Right-Sizing.

· Regularly review and analyze your instance usage patterns.

· Use AWS Trusted Advisor and AWS Cost Explorer to identify underutilized or oversized instances.

· Downsize or terminate instances that are not fully utilized.

2. Auto Scaling.

· Configure Auto Scaling groups to automatically adjust the number of instances based on demand, ensuring you only use the resources you need.

3. Shut down Unused Instances.

· Regularly check for and shut down instances that are not in use to avoid paying for idle resources.

4. Use Tags for Cost Allocation.

· Tag EC2 instances, volumes, and other AWS resources with relevant metadata (e.g., project, department, environment).

· Use AWS Cost Allocation Tags to organize and track costs by different business units or projects, enabling better visibility and accountability.

5. Regularly Review Billing and Usage Reports.

· Use AWS Cost Explorer and AWS Budgets to monitor your spending.

· Set budget alerts to stay informed about your costs and avoid unexpected charges.


Upon the completion of this journey on the allocation of resources for AWS EC2 instances, it turns out that the first and most important point is to make the right decisions which will be the basis of cost efficiency in the cloud. The knowledge of instance requirements, from RAM and storage and instance types, will help the businesses to design their infrastructure in a way that will match the workload demands, thus, they will be able to deal with the problem easily.

In addition, the use of the AWS Cost Profile and Pricing Calculator gives a boost to the users as they can easily deal with the intricacies of cloud economics. These tools give you the necessary knowledge for setting up budget limits, monitoring spending patterns, or estimating costs before project launch, thus, helping you to allocate resources in the best way and to avoid wasting them.

I hope you guys have some kind of knowledge regarding Resource Allocation for AWS EC2 Instances.🔥 If there is anything I should improve about my article or any point you guys are not clear please do let me know.

Thanks for reading 🥰

Stay tuned for my next article 👨🏾‍🚀, where I’ll dive into the exciting topic of creating EC2 instances based on selected instance types.



sammani wimalaratne

Software Engineer | Full Stack Developer | BEng(Hons) Software Engineering Graduate | Blogger | Tech Enthusiast 🚀