Unlucky in Love: The Struggles of Successful Women

Sami Wunder
3 min readJan 21, 2019


Raised with the promise that they can have it all, modern women are increasingly powerful in the workplace. With more women smashing through glass ceilings to earn the big bucks, financial independence is a reality for more women than ever before. It is therefore an unfortunate conundrum that so many of these successful women are struggling to find meaningful relationships when everything else in their lives seems perfect.

So, why is it that women who successfully manage their own companies or are employed in high level, professional roles, are struggling when it comes to their love lives? Why is it that women who can strike multi-million pound deals and so much more can’t find lasting love?

As some of these women turn to therapists to explore why they are plagued by dating disasters, there are depressing reports that women fear that they are too successful for a man to find them attractive. If the sad fact is that a women’s success, strength and glory is off-putting to men, then that is truly an ironic indictment of modern times. It seems incongruous — when so much work has been done and so much ground has been made in the name of gender equality — that women feel the need to play down their success.

Love and relationship expert Sami Wunder warns against developing this mindset. Wunder maintains that healthy men, with good self-esteem and confident in their own achievements, will not be intimidated by strong, successful women. However, the catch is that although they should not be put off by success, men are usually not attracted to women because of it.

The ‘Get the Ring Coach’

Perhaps the concept of Universal energy could hold the key to love and relationship longevity for successful women. Broadly speaking, feminine energy is ‘being’ energy whereas masculine energy is ‘doing’. In a world which favours action and results, successful women are often more in tune with their masculine energy than their feminine. It can seem completely alien for modern women to reconnect with that feminine, wholly receptive mode of energy.

However, it seems that reconnecting with their feminine side is what could help balance the lives of successful women and lead to them finding lasting love and forever commitment. Perhaps successful women are unlucky in love simply because men are drawn towards women who naturally exude femininity; an energy mode that successful women instinctively repress.

In an era which encourages self-discovery, most of us are probably aware of the law of attraction; a concept that we attract into our lives whatever we are focussing upon. The law of attraction can also be applied to love and relationships. There are various techniques and exercises that can be used to build confidence and promote a positive mindset. In turn, these skills can be utilised to alter the subconscious and increase your receptivity to love. Perhaps a history of being unlucky in love could be focussing successful women on negativity and hindering their natural self-assurance.

Success in love and relationships should not be out of reach for successful women. With positive thinking and some of the confidence that has seen them achieve so much elsewhere, successful women can find love and truly have it all.



Sami Wunder

Get the Ring 💍Certified Dating Coach | Relationship Expert | Helping women be fiercely loved! Seen on @Time @DailyMail @HuffingtonPost