
Sam Holden
17 min readAug 17, 2015

When a bathhouse vanishes














銭湯の店主がやめる理由は様々だが、社会にとっての価値を(まだ考えられていない潜在的な用途も含めて)考えると、一部でも存続させる新たな方法が必要ではないのか。都内では、この4年だけで127軒の銭湯が潰れているそうだ。 このペースで減少が続いたらオリンピックが来る2020年には日本の都市生活の独自性を象徴する公衆浴場はほとんど残っていないだろう。




A few evenings ago, I decided to take a break from working on my computer in the heat of my room and go wash off at the local bathhouse. Hopping on my bike, I turned off Hongo Avenue and descended down Kiku Hill about 600 meters to my nearest sento, Kikusuiyu. The bathhouse stands at the corner of a two narrow alleys, its tall smokestack looming over the building. The famous author Ichiyo Higuchi is said to have bathed here when she lived in the neighborhood in the early 20th century.

Under the arched tile roof of the entryway, two older women were standing and talking in low voices. I could tell from their tone that they were concerned about something. Then I saw the message on the umbrella stand.

NOTICE OF CLOSING. Thank you to all of our customers for many years of loyal patronage. Due to the aging of the building and equipment, rising costs, and the decline in customers, as well as the proprietors’ fatigue, we will be shutting our doors on September 30.

I guess it was only a matter of time…as I sat in the bath, looking up at the peeling painting of Mt. Fuji, I began to give thought to whether I, as well, should leave Japan at the end of September. Even if I don’t leave the country, perhaps I will look for another place to live. A neighborhood without a bathhouse just isn’t any fun.

I first visited Kikusuiyu two months after I moved into my share house. At my roommate’s suggestion, four of us wrapped towels around our necks and walked through the late night streets. Until then I hadn’t explored much beyond the main streets in our neighborhood, and I was attracted to the timeless atmosphere of Kiku Hill: the narrow stairs squeezed between old tenements, the difficult-to-place sound of a buried stream, the dark alleys lined with old wooden houses. The contrast between Tokyo’s surface and its depths is the city’s most fascinating feature, in my mind.

I have been accustomed to Japanese bathing practices since I lived in Niigata during high school, and have long been fond of onsen hot springs, but until than I hadn’t visited urban bathhouses very much. Perhaps because I grew up in the U.S., I was mostly content with a regular shower, and didn’t see much reason to incorporate a bath into my daily routine.

I started attending sento this January. At the start of the year I met the leader of Bunko Youth Architects, a group that was working on preserving and reinvigorating bathhouses in my local ward of Bunkyo. The architects had stumbled upon the topic of sento as part of their activity uncovering and documenting the history and charm of the area. Recognizing that the rapid disappearance of bathhouses threatened to erase an essential community gathering place from local neighborhoods, they were working to share the value of sento and find a viable path for the future. That day, I received a beautiful magazine they had created and a free admission ticket.

A few hours later I visited the bathhouse she had recommended, Tsukinoyu. It was a cold night with a light drizzle, and the glass doors from the dressing room to the veranda were clouded over. An old man sat alone on a bench and talked with the proprietor sitting at the counter as he slowly put his clothes back on. What a wonderfully relaxed space. There are no lockers here, only wicker baskets like the bathhouses of times past. As I entered the steamy, cozy bathing area, I was startled by the beauty of the Mt. Fuji painting by the late Toshimitsu Hayakawa.

After that introduction to sento, I began to visit bathhouses 3–4 times per week. On one occasion, I visited different bathhouses across Tokyo for ten days straight. I also began to work with Bunko Youth, helping to install an exhibition at an art museum and make records of bathhouses. Since they began their activities, two beautiful bathhouses in Bunkyo, Otomeyu and Tsurunoyu, had already closed their doors. And despite their best efforts to find a way to preserve it, Tsukinoyu, often called one of the most beautiful sento in all of Japan, closed its doors at the end of May and was knocked down. Viable ideas included making it part of a guesthouse for foreign tourists or collaborating with university dorms, but it was too late to put a deal together.

Once I began going, bathhouses became an essential part of my life. Why? Spending each day surrounded by hordes of people on the trains and streets in Tokyo, it is rare to actually engage in communication with strangers, or to even see their humanity. As a foreigner, one can feel even more isolated at times. Whenever I got worn out by this city’s tension and isolation, I began to be healed by the sento — the comfortable distance with others, the occasional conversations, and the relaxed space when one can sit and sip a bottle of milk.

Like smoke drifting from a chimney in the blink of an eye, Kikusuiyu will be the fourth traditional bathhouse to vanish from Bunkyo Ward within a span of just two years. A four-story apartment building will be constructed in its place.

There are many reasons why proprietors choose to quit, but considering the social value of bathhouses (including value that has yet to be realized), there ought to be a way to preserve at least some. In just the last four years in Tokyo, 127 sento have closed. At this rate, by the time the Olympics arrive in 2020, public baths, a quintessential element of Japanese urban life for centuries, may have nearly completely disappeared from the city.

The other day, I went to Harumi, the planned site of the new Olympic village, to watch the Tokyo Bay Fireworks with members of Bunko Youth.

Walking back to Tsukishima Station, I looked up at the towering apartment buildings lining both sides of the wide street. This is the reality of Tokyo, I thought to myself. A society without community. Now the government is planning vast public investment to further stimulate the excessive development in this area. It will almost certainly leave the Tokyo of the future, once the population begins to decline rapidly, with a greater burden of empty houses and ruins, but in the short term it is likely to stimulate the economy and earn profits. What future is Tokyo creating as it chases growth and relentless newness with the Olympics?

Coming from a society where money holds particular sway, I have appreciated Japan’s values that have managed in some ways to protect important social goods from the vicissitudes of the market. I like to believe that this country will set an example for the world of how to maintain those goods as it enters this era of depopulation, economic decline and environmental destruction. When it comes to my favorite bathhouse, unfortunately, it seems that hope was a little too optimistic.



Sam Holden

I live in Tokyo and helped to create Tokyo Little House. I like to think about degrowth, geography, cities, culture.