Reflecting on the first week of story telling

Sam Westlake
1 min readMar 11, 2016

This moment has been coming for a while now. Where I can look back on writing each day for a week.

  • I have shared: authentically, openly and consistently. As it should be.
  • Old friends have re-engaged: relationships are rekindling. Warming to my soul.
  • Strangers have introduced themselves: new friendships are emerging. The promise of new worlds.
  • I have challenged and developed my own thinking: interrogating and breaking down my preconceptions. This feels significant.
  • I have been called a dick: with a subsequent retraction. Thank you - you had a point!
  • I have been questioned about my intent: in a very gently way. Much appreciated - please don’t stop questioning.
  • I’ve been supported by the person closest to me: which means more than you can know x.

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Sam Westlake

Strategist. Collaborator. Innovator. Agile. Speaker. Team builder. Runner. Podcaster. Co-founder @SeaSaltLearning. Advisor @WeAreBase. Visit sam