Image Repair Initial Reactions

Sam Landess
2 min readMar 28, 2017


By: Sam Landess

For the second part of this spring 2017 semester, my team will be working on an image repair case following a specific inidivudal.

At first we decided to do a paper on Kanye West but after deliberating with each other we decided to go with Colin Kaepernick. We are very excited because Kaepernick has been in the public spotlight for the majority of the past year and a half now.

Photo by: Michael Zagaris

The crisis has to do with the picture above. Kaepernick (right) with fellow teamate Eric Reid kneel on the sideline, during the national anthem, prior to a game in September. Kaepernick began his kneeling movement during the pre season by sitting on the bench but then moved to kneeling once the official season started.

Colin Kaepernick began his protest becuase of what he deems are wrong doings against African-Americans and minorities in the United States. He has been on record saying that he will not stand for a flag of a country that oppresses African-Americans.

Video by: ABC News

This protest has immersed Kaepernick in a ton of controversy. That is a main reason for selecting him for our image repair case. We can discuss a wide range of situations that come out of this crisis. Another reason to choose this crisis is becuase his image repair was not the best. He started off with a strong belief in his protest but then lost all credibitlity when he chose not to vote for a new President.

This project has been very interesting already and we have just begun. Working with my team has been fun and we are getting things done decently easy as of now. I am very excited to continue this journey to finishing this image repair case.

