What I learnt after my wife cheated me ?

Sammy G
Hello, Love
Published in
7 min readMar 6, 2023


cheating is normal

It’s been a debate in sociology whether cheating one’s spouse is very common. It could be a normal phenomenon biologically.

Coming back to my own life, I was cheated and betrayed by my wife and there was a lot of tension between us for years. But we chose to stay together. I shared that difficult chapter of my life in an earlier post.

Life was not exciting and happy for us but we were together for our son and trying to manage our life for the better.

And then covid pandemic happened in 2020. I stayed back mostly at home as the technology sector was doing work from home during the pandemic.

It was an excellent time for me to spend time with my son and wife.

But both of us can feel deep down that there was not much passion left in our relationship.

Sex was nowhere. She was not interested in intimacy and I was also tired of rejection.

You can say, there was no mutual attraction left.

It was the middle of 2020 and one day I met Brian. Brian was my old buddy in middle school and though we seldom met recently, we always had stories to share.

Brian knew about our personal life and the struggle. And one day when he was in the town, we met in a coffee shop for a chitchat.



Sammy G
Hello, Love

Techie, Golfer, Father. Betrayed by the woman I loved most. Learning about human psychology. Rebuilding my failed marriage.