Are agriculture drones getting more popular? Are they accurate enough to spray crops?

sisi yui
2 min readNov 15, 2023


Yes, drones for agriculture are getting more and more common. In fact, it’s predicted that by 2026, the global market for agricultural drones would grow to $4.8 billion. Numerous causes, such as the growing need for precision agriculture, the need to cut labor costs, and the expanding acceptance of technology in the farming sector, are driving this increase.

Drones used for agriculture have several advantages over conventional techniques for spraying and crop monitoring. They can swiftly cover wide areas and gather data at high resolution. Then, using this information, agricultural issues like disease, pests, and nutrient shortages may be found and dealt with. Drones for agriculture can also be used to more precisely apply fertilizer and pesticides to crops than using conventional techniques, minimizing the amount of chemicals required and their negative effects on the environment.

The type of drone, the crop being sprayed, and the surrounding circumstances are some of the variables that affect how accurate agricultural drones are when spraying crops. Nonetheless, research has demonstrated that agricultural drones are capable of high accuracy, with some systems reaching over 95% accuracy rates.

The following are some advantages of crop-spraying with agriculture drones:

  • Lower labor costs: Farmers can save a lot of money on labor by using agricultural drones to spray crops more quickly and effectively than they can with traditional methods.
  • Increased precision: Drones used in agriculture can be programmed to spray crops with a high degree of precision, minimizing the environmental impact and utilizing less chemicals.
  • Decreased environmental impact: Compared to traditional methods, agricultural drones can apply pesticides and fertilizers more precisely, hence reducing the amount of chemicals that end up in the environment.
  • Enhanced crop health: By detecting and addressing issues in crops early on, agricultural drones can contribute to increased crop yields and health.

Drones used for agriculture can be a useful tool for farmers seeking to increase productivity, precision, and sustainability. We anticipate seeing even more cutting-edge uses for drones in agriculture in the years to come as technology advances.


