Setup Mpesa SDK Push with Ruby On Rails

Maingi Samuel
6 min readOct 30, 2022


After many hours of researching for a gem or article explaining the process of intergrating M-Pesa SDK Push to ruby on rails but kept on hitting multiple dead ends. I decided to do create a Rails mini app api to demo the basics of a simple SDK Push and polling (checking if payment is successfull or might have encounted any errors)

Can Access the Code here ->


  1. M-Pesa Daraja Account and a sandbox app Create one here
  2. Ruby and Ruby on Rails
  3. Ngrok download here
  4. Ruby Gems -> rest-client 2.0 and rack-cors

Create M-Pesa Sandbox App

Navigate to

Click on create New app

Make sure you give your sandbox app a name then tick all the checkboxes

After your App has being created, Click on the show Key/Secret to get the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret

Create Ruby on Rails M-Pesa Mini Api

Create a mininal Rails app

rails new ROR_Mpesa — api — minimal

Create a payment resource

rails g resource Mpesa checkoutRequestID merchantRequestID amount mpesaReceiptNumber phoneNumber — no-test-framework


rails db:migrate db:seed

Open your favorite Code Editior and lets start coding

Basic Configuration

Lets start with basic configs

Navigate to config/environments/development.rb and add the following code. this will enable you have dynamic urls

config.hosts << /[a-z0–9-.]+\.ngrok\.io/

then navigate to config/initializrs/cors.rb and replace with this code

Config environment variables

Inside config folder create a file called local_env.yml and set your secrets in there. DO NOT FORGET to add the local_env.yml to your .gitignore

to access the secrets use ENV[“MPESA_SHORTCODE”]

But we need rails to know where our secrets are so add the following code to config/application.rb inside class Application < Rails::Application

config.before_configuration doenv_file = File.join(Rails.root, 'config', 'local_env.yml')YAML.load( do |key, value|ENV[key.to_s] = valueend if File.exists?(env_file)end

Full module should look like this

The Main Code

Navigate to mpesas_controller.rb and lets create the following functions get_access_token, generate_access_token_request, stkpush, callback_url

Lets start with Private functions

Generate Access Token Request -> Gives you a time bound access token to call allowed APIs it provides you with an access token thou it returns the response form api

Get Access Token -> Used to check if generate_acces_token_request is successful or not then it reads the responses and extracts the access token from the response and saves it to the database

Create a rails model for access_token

rails g model AccessToken token — no-test-framework

First import rest-client inside MpesasContoller in the first line

require ‘rest-client’

Private functions


def generate_access_token_request@url = ""@consumer_key =  ENV['MPESA_CONSUMER_KEY']@consumer_secret = ENV['MPESA_CONSUMER_SECRET']@userpass = Base64::strict_encode64("#{@consumer_key}:#{@consumer_secret}")@headers = {Authorization: "Bearer #{@userpass}"}res = RestClient::Request.execute(url: @url, method: :get, headers:{Authorization: "Basic #{@userpass}"})resend


def get_access_tokenres = generate_access_token_request()if res.code != 200r = generate_access_token_request()if res.code != 200raise MpesaError('Unable to generate access token')endendbody = JSON.parse(res, { symbolize_names: true })token = body[:access_token]AccessToken.destroy_all()AccessToken.create!(token: token)tokenend

Let’s Create the STKPush function

Do use the mpesa daraja express located in API’s for more information

stkpush -> will break it down in various parts

  1. Payload

Phonenumber and amount should be provided for this is will be Post request

timestamp -> should be in this format “%Y%m%d%H%M%S”

password -> should be encoded with base64 format (business_short_code + mpesa_passkey+timestamp)

phoneNumber = params[:phoneNumber]amount = params[:amount]url = ""timestamp = "#{ "%Y%m%d%H%M%S"}"business_short_code = ENV["MPESA_SHORTCODE"]password = Base64.strict_encode64("#{business_short_code}#{ENV["MPESA_PASSKEY"]}#{timestamp}")payload = {'BusinessShortCode': business_short_code,'Password': password,'Timestamp': timestamp,'TransactionType': "CustomerPayBillOnline",'Amount': amount,'PartyA': phoneNumber,'PartyB': business_short_code,'PhoneNumber': phoneNumber,'CallBackURL': "#{ENV["CALLBACK_URL"]}/callback_url",'AccountReference': 'Trial ROR Mpesa','TransactionDesc': "ROR trial"}.to_json

2. Headers

headers = {content_type: 'application/json',Authorization:"Bearer #{get_access_token}"}

3. Send Response

response ={method: :post,url: url,payload: payload,headers: headers}).execute do |response, request|case response.codewhen 500[ :error, JSON.parse(response.to_str) ]when 400[ :error, JSON.parse(response.to_str) ]when 200[ :success, JSON.parse(response.to_str) ]elsefail "Invalid response #{response.to_str} received."endendrender json: response

Full function should look this

Create Route for the functions

navigate to config/routes

Fire up you ngrok using this command

ngrok http

Call the stkpush url using the https://…… link

Open up Insomia or Postman, create a new request and the request method should be Post.

the data should be in Json format


When request is send an SDK Push Prompt is sent to phoneNumber provided above

The response after the request is

"MerchantRequestID": "18552-53113685-1",
"CheckoutRequestID": "ws_CO_30102022195943475748681351",
"ResponseCode": "0",
"ResponseDescription": "Success. Request accepted for processing",
"CustomerMessage": "Success. Request accepted for processing"

Confirm Payment Using Mpesa

After one has paid you can use the mpesa query api to check if the payment was successful or not

Navigate to mpesas_controller and add the following code

def polling_payment  # Check if payment has been paid  checkoutId = params[:checkoutId]  timestamp = "#{ "%Y%m%d%H%M%S"}"  business_short_code = ENV["MPESA_SHORTCODE"]  password = Base64.strict_encode64("#{business_short_code}#{ENV["MPESA_PASSKEY"]}#{timestamp}")  url = ENV['QUERY_URL']  headers = {    content_type: 'application/json',    Authorization: "Bearer #{get_access_token}"  }  payload = {    'BusinessShortCode' => business_short_code,    'Password' => password,    'Timestamp' => timestamp,    'CheckoutRequestID' => checkoutId  }.to_json
response ={ method: :post, url: url, payload: payload, headers: headers }).execute do |response, request| case response.code when 500 [ :error, JSON.parse(response.to_str) ] when 400 [ :error, JSON.parse(response.to_str) ] when 200 [ :success, JSON.parse(response.to_str) ] else fail "Invalid response #{response.to_str} received." end end render json: { msg: response }end

Then create a route for payment polling

Switch to Postman or Insomnia and create a Post request

required data for this endpoint is CheckoutRequestID (retrive this from the stkpush response)

"CheckoutRequestID": "ws_CO_30102022195943475748681351"

Json format should be


The Response should be

"ResponseCode": "0",
"ResponseDescription": "The service request has been accepted successsfully",
"MerchantRequestID": "18552-53113685-1",
"CheckoutRequestID": "ws_CO_30102022195943475748681351",
"ResultCode": "0",
"ResultDesc": "The service request is processed successfully."

You can use ResultDesc as a message prompt for your Client


You can access the Code Here

Remember to hide you Daraja Consumer Key and Secret

Do Reach Out for more Information, Question or Feedback concerning the above topic

