Heuristic Alpha-Beta Tree Search Algorithm (Tic Tac Toe)

Sammar Saleh
7 min readJun 6, 2023



In this project, we implemented the Heuristic Alpha-Beta Tree Search algorithm in Python to create an AI agent capable of playing tic-tac-toe. We chose tic-tac-toe due to its simplicity and well-defined rules, making it an ideal game for showcasing the algorithm. The Heuristic Alpha-Beta Tree Search algorithm optimizes the minimax algorithm by using alpha-beta pruning to reduce the number of explored nodes and improve efficiency.

Game Description and Design:

Tic-tac-toe is a two-player game played on a 3x3 grid. The goal is to form a line of three symbols (X or O) horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. We represented the game state using a 2D array and utilized a mapping to denote different symbols. The game board was displayed using a print function.

Heuristic Alpha-Beta Tree Search Algorithm:

The Heuristic Alpha-Beta Tree Search algorithm is a recursive algorithm that explores the game tree to find the best move for the AI agent. It uses alpha-beta pruning to discard branches that are guaranteed to be worse than previously explored branches. This optimization significantly reduces the number of nodes to explore, making the algorithm more efficient. A heuristic evaluation function is used to estimate the value of each game state and prioritize exploring more promising branches.

Implementation Details:

The implementation was done in Python. We used a 2D array to represent the game state and a move generation function to find available positions for making a move. The Heuristic Alpha-Beta Tree Search algorithm was implemented using a recursive function with alpha-beta pruning. We also incorporated additional features such as iterative deepening, which gradually increased the search depth, and transposition tables to store previously evaluated game states for performance improvement.

Following is the code for this project:

import numpy as np
from copy import copy

# Set the dimensions of the Tic-Tac-Toe board
rows = 3
cols = 3

# Initialize the game board as a 3x3 array filled with zeros
board = np.zeros((rows, cols))

# Define the mapping of values on the board
# 0 -> blank
# 1 -> 'X'
# 2 -> 'O'

# Constants for alpha-beta pruning
inf = 9999999999
neg_inf = -9999999999

def printBoard():
# Iterate over each row and column in the board
for i in range(0, rows):
for j in range(0, cols):
# Print the corresponding symbol based on the value in the board
if board[i, j] == 0:
print(' _ ', end='')

elif board[i, j] == 1:
print(' X ', end='')

print(' O ', end='')

# Move to the next line to print the next row
# Initialize the heuristic table to evaluate board positions for each winning position
heuristicTable = np.zeros((rows + 1, cols + 1))

# Calculate the number of winning positions
numberOfWinningPositions = rows + cols + 2

# Populate the heuristic table with values for each position
# The index represents the number of X's or O's in a winning position
for index in range(0, rows + 1):
heuristicTable[index, 0] = 10 ** index # Positive value for X's
heuristicTable[0, index] = -10 ** index # Negative value for O's

# Define the array of winning positions
winningArray = np.array([[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [0, 3, 6], [1, 4, 7], [2, 5, 8], [0, 4, 8], [2, 4, 6]])

def utilityOfState(state):
# Create a copy of the flattened state array
stateCopy = copy(state.ravel())

# Initialize the heuristic value
heuristic = 0

# Iterate over each winning position
for i in range(0, numberOfWinningPositions):
maxp = 0
minp = 0

# Check the cells in the current winning position
for j in range(0, rows):
# Count the number of 'O's (maxp) and 'X's (minp) in the winning position
if stateCopy[winningArray[i, j]] == 2:
maxp += 1
elif stateCopy[winningArray[i, j]] == 1:
minp += 1

# Calculate the heuristic value for the current winning position
heuristic += heuristicTable[maxp][minp]

# Return the accumulated heuristic value for the state
return heuristic
def minimax(state, alpha, beta, maximizing, depth, maxp, minp):
# Base case: if depth reaches 0, return the utility of the current state
if depth == 0:
return utilityOfState(state), state

# Find the available positions in the state where a move can be made
rowsLeft, columnsLeft = np.where(state == 0)

# Create a copy of the state to be returned
returnState = copy(state)

# If there are no more available positions or the game is over, return the utility of the current state
if rowsLeft.shape[0] == 0:
return utilityOfState(state), returnState

if maximizing:
utility = neg_inf
for i in range(0, rowsLeft.shape[0]):
# Make a move in the next available position
nextState = copy(state)
nextState[rowsLeft[i], columnsLeft[i]] = maxp

# Recursively call minimax on the next state with maximizing turned off
Nutility, Nstate = minimax(nextState, alpha, beta, False, depth - 1, maxp, minp)

# Update the utility and return state if a better move is found
if Nutility > utility:
utility = Nutility
returnState = copy(nextState)

# Update alpha if the utility is greater
if utility > alpha:
alpha = utility

# Perform alpha-beta pruning if alpha is greater than or equal to beta
if alpha >= beta:

return utility, returnState

utility = inf
for i in range(0, rowsLeft.shape[0]):
# Make a move in the next available position
nextState = copy(state)
nextState[rowsLeft[i], columnsLeft[i]] = minp

# Recursively call minimax on the next state with maximizing turned on
Nutility, Nstate = minimax(nextState, alpha, beta, True, depth - 1, maxp, minp)

# Update the utility and return state if a better move is found
if Nutility < utility:
utility = Nutility
returnState = copy(nextState)

# Update beta if the utility is smaller
if utility < beta:
beta = utility

# Perform alpha-beta pruning if alpha is greater than or equal to beta
if alpha >= beta:

return utility, returnState
def checkGameOver(state):
# Create a copy of the state to avoid modifying the original state
stateCopy = copy(state)

# Calculate the utility value of the state using the utilityOfState function
value = utilityOfState(stateCopy)

# If the value is greater than or equal to 1000, it indicates a win for the current player
if value >= 1000:
return 1 # Return 1 to indicate a win

# If the value is not greater than 1000, it indicates the game is not over or it's a draw
return -1 # Return -1 to indicate the game is not over or it's a draw
def isMoveValid(row, col):
# Check if the given row and column are within the valid range of the board
if row < 0 or row >= rows or col < 0 or col >= cols:
return False

# Check if the cell at the given row and column is already occupied
if board[row, col] != 0:
return False

# Return True if the move is valid (within range and not occupied), False otherwise
return True
def HumanagainstAI():
num = int(input('Enter player num (1st or 2nd): '))
value = 0
global board
for turn in range(0, rows * cols):
if (turn + num) % 2 == 1: # Make the player go first, and assign 'X' to the human player
print('Your turn')
validMove = False
while not validMove:
r, c = [int(x) for x in input('Enter your move (row column): ').split(' ')]
validMove = False
if isMoveValid(r - 1, c - 1): # Check if the move is valid
board[r - 1, c - 1] = 1 # Assign 'X' to the chosen cell
validMove = True
print('Invalid move! Try again.')

printBoard() # Print the updated board
value = checkGameOver(board) # Check if the game is over
if value == 1:
print('You win. Game Over')
board = np.zeros((rows, cols)) # Reset the board
else: # It's the computer's turn, make the AI always put a circle ('O')
print('AI turn')
state = np.copy(board)
value, nextState = minimax(state, neg_inf, inf, True, 2, 2, 1) # Use minimax algorithm to choose the AI's move
board = np.copy(nextState)
value = checkGameOver(board)
if value == 1:
print('PC wins. Game Over')
board = np.zeros((rows, cols))
board = np.zeros((rows, cols))
print('It\'s a draw')

def AIagainstAI():
value = 0
global board
for turn in range(0, rows * cols):
if turn % 2 == 0: # AI 1's turn
print('AI1 turn')
state = np.copy(board)
value, nextState = minimax(state, neg_inf, inf, True, 2, 2, 2) # Use minimax algorithm to choose AI 1's move
board = np.copy(nextState)
value = checkGameOver(board)
if value == 1:
print('AI 1 wins. Game Over')
board = np.zeros((rows, cols))
else: # AI 2's turn
print('AI2 turn')
state = np.copy(board)
value, nextState = minimax(state, neg_inf, inf, False, 2, 2, 1) # Use minimax algorithm to choose AI 2's move
board = np.copy(nextState)
value = checkGameOver(board)
if value == 1:
print('AI 2 wins. Game Over')
board = np.zeros((rows, cols))
board = np.zeros((rows, cols))
print('It\'s a draw')

Testing and Results:

We conducted several scenarios to test the AI agent’s performance. The AI consistently made optimal moves and demonstrated strong gameplay. It was able to win against novice human players and provided a challenging experience even for experienced players. Additionally, we tested the AI agent against another AI agent, and both agents showcased intelligent decision-making throughout the game.

Discussion and Conclusion:

The implementation of the Heuristic Alpha-Beta Tree Search algorithm for tic-tac-toe proved to be successful. The AI agent exhibited intelligent decision-making, efficiently exploring the game tree and making optimal moves. The alpha-beta pruning technique and the heuristic evaluation function greatly improved the algorithm’s performance.

Future Modifications:

While our implementation achieved satisfactory results, there are areas for improvement. Adding a time limit for the AI agent’s move would simulate real-time gameplay and make it more suitable for interactive scenarios. Additionally, implementing a graphical user interface (GUI) would enhance the user experience and make the game more visually appealing.

In conclusion, the Heuristic Alpha-Beta Tree Search algorithm is a powerful technique for developing AI agents capable of playing games like tic-tac-toe. By optimizing the minimax algorithm and using heuristic evaluation, the algorithm can make intelligent decisions and provide a challenging gameplay experience. With further enhancements, such as time limits and GUI implementation, this algorithm could be applied to a wider range of games and real-world applications.

