Book Summary for Bessel van der Kolk’s “The Body Keeps the Score”

5 min readFeb 9, 2024



Bessel van der Kolk’s ground-breaking investigation of trauma and its significant consequences on the human body and psyche is titled “The Body Keeps the Score”. Van der Kolk explores the complex ways that trauma may alter our lives, sabotage our relationships, and show up as physical symptoms, drawing on decades of research and therapeutic expertise. He offers motivation for recovery as well as insights into the resiliency of the human spirit through compelling case studies, empirical data, and firsthand accounts. This synopsis will give a synopsis of every chapter while emphasizing the main ideas and lessons from this significant work.

Chapter 1: The Rediscovery of Trauma

Starting with the history of trauma research, Van der Kolk points out that it was first developed to examine shell shock in World War I. He talks about how early theories of trauma ignored its physiological impacts in favor of focusing mostly on its psychological components. But modern discoveries in neuroscience have shown that trauma can have a significant effect on the body and cause a variety of mental and physical problems. The book’s examination of trauma’s enduring effects on the human experience is introduced in this chapter.

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Chapter 2: This Is Your Brain on Trauma

Van der Kolk examines the neural foundations of trauma in this chapter. He describes how traumatic events can interfere with the way the brain normally functions, especially in the areas that control emotion, memory, and self-awareness. He illustrates how trauma can change how people see and react to their environment via the perspective of neurobiology. Comprehending these alterations in the brain is crucial for formulating efficacious therapies for diseases associated with trauma.

Chapter 3: The Minds of Children

Van der Kolk turns his attention to how trauma affects a child’s development. He draws attention to how easily trauma may have an impact on developing brains and stresses the value of early intervention. Adverse childhood experiences can have long-term effects on social behavior, attachment styles, and emotional control. We can lessen trauma’s long-term effects and encourage better outcomes in later life by treating trauma in youngsters.

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Chapter 4: The Imprint of Trauma

This chapter explores the ways in which trauma affects the body and the psyche in a profound way. Van der Kolk talks on how processing and integrating traumatic memories can be challenging when they become fragmented and disjointed. He also delves into the idea of “traumatic reenactment,” which is the unconscious reproduction of behavior patterns linked to prior trauma. Gaining insight into these processes will help us decipher the intricacies of trauma and promote recovery.

Chapter 5: Revolutions in Understanding Mind and Body

Van der Kolk investigates the historical division in Western psychology and medicine between the mind and body. He contends that our comprehension of trauma and its aftereffects has been hampered by this false division. Based on the latest developments in disciplines like neurobiology, psychophysiology, and somatic therapy, he promotes a more comprehensive strategy for trauma recovery that takes into account the body’s and mind’s connections.

Read “The Body Keeps the Score” here!

Chapter 6: Losing Your Body, Losing Your Self

In this chapter, van der Kolk explores the ways in which trauma can disconnect individuals from their bodies and sense of self. He discusses conditions such as dissociation and depersonalization, wherein individuals feel detached from their physical experiences and identities. Trauma survivors may develop coping mechanisms that involve numbing or avoiding sensations, further exacerbating their disconnection. Reconnecting with the body is essential for restoring a sense of wholeness and reclaiming one’s identity.

Chapter 7: Getting on the Same Wavelength

Van der Kolk examines how trauma can cause people to lose touch with their bodies and sense of self in this chapter. He talks about mental illnesses like dissociation and depersonalization, which cause people to lose touch with their identities and bodily experiences. The dissociation experienced by trauma survivors may worsen if they adopt coping techniques that entail numbing or ignoring sensations. Regaining a sense of wholeness and identity requires reestablishing a connection with the body.

Chapter 8: The Unbearable Heaviness of Remembering

This chapter explores the difficulties in processing traumatic events and the intricacies of traumatic memory. Van der Kolk talks about how trauma survivors may not always benefit from typical talk therapy because it can unintentionally cause them to experience intense feelings again. He looks at several methods including somatic experiencing and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), which try to help people integrate and deal with painful experiences without becoming too much for them.

Chapter 9: Why Words Are Not Enough

Van der Kolk questions the idea that trauma can only be healed through vocal communication. He contends that trauma is frequently difficult to express verbally because it is retained in nonverbal forms like physical sensations and mental states. In his research, he looks at how somatic therapies like yoga and creative arts therapy might support trauma survivors in accessing and expressing their experiences in ways that go beyond words.

Chapter 10: Where It Lives

Van der Kolk looks at how trauma shows up physically in the body in this chapter. He talks on how trauma and long-term stress can dysregulate the body’s stress response system, which can cause a variety of physical symptoms like autoimmune diseases, digestive issues, and chronic pain. Through the use of mind-body techniques and somatic therapies, we can assist trauma survivors regain equilibrium and enhance their general well-being by addressing these physical symptoms.

Chapter 11: Putting the Pieces Together

Van der Kolk considers the process of recovering from trauma in his closing remarks. He stresses the value of tailored therapeutic strategies that take into account the particular requirements and life experiences of every trauma survivor. Recovering from trauma is a journey of self-discovery and integration rather than a sequential process. Through cultivating resilience, self-compassion, and connection, we may assist trauma survivors in taking back their lives and pursuing a path toward recovery and wholeness.


A thorough knowledge of trauma and its effects on the body and mind can be found in “The Body Keeps the Score”. Van der Kolk explains the intricacies of trauma and offers hope for recovery through illuminating case studies, empirical research, and therapeutic insights. Through adopting a comprehensive strategy that unifies the mind, body, and spirit, we can assist trauma survivors in their quest for overall health and wholeness.

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