Advantages and disadvantages of python programming language

3 min readApr 30, 2022


Python programming language is a general-purpose, interpreted, and high-level language that predominantly offers code readability. It is to a great extent utilized by proficient software engineers and designers across an assortment of fields, including Web Development and Machine Learning. Like any remaining language, python has advantages and disadvantages.

By realizing the Python pros and cons, we can assemble strong applications.

In This article, we are going to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the python language.

Advantages of Python

  1. Easy-to-learn and Easy-to-use

Python programming language has a syntax like the English language, making it incredibly simple and basic for anybody to peruse and grasp its codes. Python is truly simple to get and learn, to that end many individuals incline toward Python in any case a career.

2. Improves Productivity

Python is an incredibly productive language, because of its simplicity and extensive libraries. Python Programmers can easily focus on tackling issues. You compose less code and accomplish more things.

3. Interpreted Language

Python is an interpreted language. So it can execute the code directly, one line after the other. In the instance of any mistake, it stops further execution and reports back the error which has occurred.

4. Massive Libraries

Python downloads with an extensive library and contains code for different purposes like regular expressions, documentation-generation, unit-testing, internet browsers, threading, databases, CGI, email, and image manipulation, from there, the sky’s the limit. This makes Python free of external libraries. Even though, if you truly do wish to utilize a few external libraries, with the Python package manager (pip), you can undoubtedly import a few Packages from the monstrous Python Package Index.

Disadvantages of Python

  1. Low Speed

Python code is executed line by line. This prompted its slow execution. Python’s dynamic nature is essentially the justification for its low speed since there is a necessity for some additional work during the execution process. Thus, Python isn’t utilized for purposes where speed is a significant part of the project.

2. Inefficient Memory Consumption

To offer simplicity to software engineers and developers, Python needs to make a few trade-offs. Python utilizes a lot of memory. This can be a drawback while building applications when we lean toward memory optimization.

3. Weak in Programming for Mobile Devices

Developers as a rule use Python for server-side programming, as opposed to involving it for versatile applications or client-side programming. Other than that, it is seldom at any point used to execute mobile phone-based applications. One such application is called Carbonnelle. Python isn’t memory proficient and it has slow handling power when contrasted with different languages.

4. Runtime Errors

As we probably are aware Python is a progressively written language so the information sort of a variable can change whenever. A variable containing a whole number might hold a string from here on out, which can prompt Runtime Errors.

Along these lines, Python software engineers need to perform intensive testing of the applications.


In this blog, we attempted to give you a little data about the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Python programming language.

Python is the most well-known language nowadays. Even though It has some speed, security, and runtime issues, Python is an extraordinary language to get. It is free, simple, deciphered, object-arranged, extensible, embeddable, versatile, and lucid.

I trust that our article was helpful to you. Assuming you are keen on learning python, join python training in Kochi.

