From Rags to Riches: The Tale of Ikot Edim’s Crabbing Entrepreneur

Samuel John
3 min readApr 2, 2024


In the heart of Akwa Ibom state lies the tranquil village of Ikot Edim, where life moves at a gentle pace, dictated by the rhythms of the seasons and the ebbs and flows of the nearby river. In this serene setting, amidst humble dwellings and lush greenery, lived a young man named Ekong.

Ekong was born into a family of fishermen, where each day was a struggle to make ends meet. Despite the hardships, Ekong possessed an indomitable spirit and an unwavering determination to break free from the cycle of poverty that had plagued his family for generations.

As a boy, Ekong would accompany his father on fishing trips along the riverbanks, learning the ways of the water and the secrets it held. He would listen intently as his father spoke of the elusive crabs that lurked beneath the murky depths, promising riches to those who could capture them.

One fateful day, as Ekong was casting his net into the river, he noticed something glimmering amidst the reeds. Curious, he waded closer and discovered a small, intricately woven basket, adorned with shells and seaweed. Inside, nestled among the folds, were a handful of crabs, their claws clicking in protest.

Ekong’s heart raced with excitement as he realized the potential of his discovery. With newfound determination, he set out to master the art of crabbing, spending countless hours studying their habits and devising ingenious traps to ensnare them.

Weeks turned into months, and Ekong’s efforts began to bear fruit. His traps yielded bountiful catches, and soon he found himself with a surplus of crabs to sell at the local market. Word of Ekong’s success spread like wildfire through the village, and before long, he had become known as the Crab King of Ikot Edim.

With his newfound wealth, Ekong set about transforming his family’s fortunes. He built a sturdy new home for his parents, complete with a thatched roof and sturdy walls. He invested in the education of his younger siblings, ensuring that they would have opportunities beyond the confines of the village.

But Ekong’s ambitions extended far beyond the borders of Ikot Edim. With his keen business acumen and relentless drive, he expanded his crabbing operation, forging partnerships with buyers from neighboring towns and cities. Before long, his crabs were sought after far and wide, fetching premium prices in markets across the region.

As his wealth grew, so too did Ekong’s influence in the community. He became a pillar of support for those in need, offering loans to struggling families and funding infrastructure projects to improve the village’s quality of life. Where once he had been an outsider, he was now hailed as a hero, revered for his generosity and vision.

But amidst the success and adulation, Ekong remained humble, never forgetting his roots or the struggles that had shaped him. He continued to fish the waters of the river, finding solace in the simplicity of the task and gratitude for the blessings it had bestowed upon him.

And so, the story of Ekong, the boy who rose from poverty to prosperity, became legend in Ikot Edim and beyond. His tale served as inspiration to all who heard it, a testament to the power of perseverance and the transformative potential of seizing life’s opportunities. And though the river may flow ever onward, the memory of Ekong and his remarkable journey would endure for generations to come.

Myself and my world

