10 Components for Multiple Project Tracking Template

Saira Khalid
3 min readJun 19, 2024


Managing multiple projects at once requires meticulous planning and organization. A robust Multiple Project Tracking Template serves as a crucial tool for project managers to maintain control and oversight. Here are ten essential components that are discussed below:

1. Project Name and Description

The template must begin with the project name and a brief description. This section helps identify each project and understand its objectives and scope. Clear naming and concise descriptions prevent confusion and ensure everyone knows the focus of each project.

2. Project Manager and Team Members

List the project manager and key team members responsible for each project. This component outlines accountability and provides a quick reference for communication. Knowing who handles which project helps streamline coordination and ensures that queries reach the right individuals.

3. Start and End Dates

Including the start and end dates for each project is vital. This timeline aspect helps in planning and prioritizing tasks. It also allows for tracking progress against scheduled timelines, which is crucial for managing deadlines and project milestones.

Related Article: 6 Tips To Design Project Status Report Template — PMITOOLS

4. Milestones and Deliverables

A good template should detail the major milestones and deliverables for each project. Milestones mark significant points in the project timeline, while deliverables denote the tangible or intangible outputs expected. Tracking these elements ensures the project stays on course and meets its goals.

5. Task List

Break down each project into individual tasks. This task list should include all activities necessary to complete the project. Assigning tasks to specific team members and setting deadlines for each task helps in managing workloads and ensures that no aspect of the project gets overlooked.

6. Status Updates

Regular status updates for each project keep the team informed about progress and potential issues. This component should include the current status, any completed tasks, and an outline of what remains to be done. Transparent status updates facilitate proactive management and quick resolution of problems.

7. Budget Tracking

Budget tracking involves monitoring the financial aspects of each project. This section should include the total budget, funds spent, and remaining budget. Keeping an eye on the budget helps prevent overspending and ensures that financial resources are allocated effectively.

8. Risk Management

Identify potential risks associated with each project and outline mitigation strategies. This component involves assessing the likelihood and impact of risks and preparing contingency plans. Effective risk management minimizes disruptions and keeps projects on track.

Related Article: Top 3 Effective Project Procurement Plan Templates — PMITOOLS

9. Resource Allocation

Detail the resources allocated to each project, including personnel, equipment, and materials. Proper resource allocation ensures that each project has the necessary tools and people to succeed. It also helps in balancing resources across multiple projects to avoid conflicts and bottlenecks.

10. Communication Plan

A communication plan outlines how information will flow within the team and with stakeholders. This plan should include meeting schedules, reporting protocols, and communication channels. Clear communication plans foster collaboration and ensure that everyone stays informed and aligned with project goals.

For Download Visit: Project Management Documents Templates (ucube.biz)


An effective Multiple Project Tracking Template integrates these ten components to provide a comprehensive overview and control mechanism for managing various projects simultaneously.

