Wisdom’s Muscles — Part 2


Sam Mokhtari
4 min readMar 10, 2024
Photo by Nathan McDine on Unsplash

Welcome back to our exploration of wisdom’s fascinating terrain! In previous part, we uncovered the secrets of wisdom’s foundation, exploring the impact of different brain regions — from the instinctual reptilian brain to the emotionally charged limbic system, all the way to the advanced cognitive powerhouse of the neocortex. Now, let’s dive into the heart of wisdom as we shine a spotlight on its first “muscle”: goodness. This time around, our goal is to make goodness more than just a concept; we’ll break it down, understand its role in the grand tapestry of wisdom, and discover practical ways to boost this crucial aspect. Join us on this journey as we untangle the intricate relationship between goodness and wisdom, unveiling how embracing this virtue can significantly shape our decision-making and contribute to a brighter, more compassionate existence.


Goodness provides the ethical foundation, interpersonal skills, and compassionate perspective that are essential components of wise decision-making and a fulfilled, meaningful life. Acts of goodness contribute to the development and application of wisdom in various aspects of life.

Compassion, empathy, and kindness are cornerstones of goodness. These qualities allow us to build strong connections, understand diverse perspectives, and navigate complex social situations — all of which wisdom requires.

A focus on goodness encourages us to think beyond ourselves and our immediate needs. This wider perspective is key to making wise decisions that consider the long-term well-being of our communities and the world.

How Goodness Cultivates Wisdom

Goodness isn’t just about feeling warm and fuzzy; it actively shapes our capacity for wise choices and actions. Here’s how:

  • Developing Discernment: Acts of goodness force us to confront the complexities of situations. Do we help the friend in need, even if it comes at a personal cost? Do we speak up against injustice if it might create conflict? Grappling with these choices hones our ability to weigh short-term consequences against long-term impacts and our own deeply held values.
  • Fostering Empathy: Choosing kindness, generosity, or forgiveness helps you step into the shoes of others. This expanded perspective is crucial for wisdom. It helps us avoid simplistic judgments, find better solutions in conflict, and make choices that benefit the greater good, not just ourselves.
  • Building Trust: People are more likely to share their true thoughts and vulnerabilities with those they perceive as good. This access to deeper insight and diverse experiences is a wellspring for wisdom.

Examples of Goodness in Service of Wisdom

  • The Leader Who Listens: A manager known for fairness and compassion is more likely to get honest feedback from their team, enabling them to identify and address problems proactively before they become crises.
  • The Environmental Activist: Someone driven by a sense of responsibility for the planet doesn’t just recycle; they research complex issues, understanding the systemic changes required for true sustainability.
  • The Forgiving Friend: While initially painful, choosing forgiveness over bitterness after a betrayal can lead to profound personal growth and a deeper understanding of human nature — that’s wisdom gained.

How to Nurture Goodness

Like any muscle, goodness responds to exercise. Here’s how to make it a consistent part of your life, reaping the benefits for your wisdom development:

  • Start with Self-Reflection: Take some time to honestly assess your actions. Where do you naturally demonstrate goodness? Where are areas for growth? Self-awareness is the first step towards positive change.
  • Mindful Intention: Begin each day by setting a small intention focused on goodness. This could be as simple as offering a sincere compliment, actively listening to someone, or doing a random act of kindness.
  • Seek Out Inspiration: Read stories, watch films, or connect with people who embody the kind of goodness you admire. Their example can ignite the desire to emulate those qualities.
  • Focus on the Positive Impact: While performing acts of goodness, pay attention to how it makes you and others feel. This reinforces the connection between goodness and a sense of meaning and interconnectedness, both cornerstones of wisdom.
  • Practice, Even When It’s Hard: Some days being kind or forgiving will feel effortless, others will be a struggle. The key is to keep trying. It’s that effort that strengthens your capacity for goodness and wisdom in the long run.
  • Don’t Be Afraid of “Small” Actions: Even a smile or a few supportive words can have a ripple effect.

Nurturing goodness is a lifelong journey. Celebrate your progress, learn from mistakes, and let the wisdom you gain through goodness light your path.


In our exploration of goodness, we’ve dissected its essence, examined its role in the fabric of wisdom, and explored pathways for improvement. As we conclude this post, remember that goodness is not merely a virtue but a dynamic force shaping our decisions and contributing to a compassionate existence. By delving into the intricacies of goodness, we’ve taken a crucial step toward unlocking the secrets of wisdom. Stay tuned for the next installment, where we delve deeper into the various “muscles” that constitute the profound landscape of wisdom.



Sam Mokhtari

Technology thought leader with 15+ years in cloud, data analytics, and AI @ AWS | PhD | Author & Speaker | Life Mentor & Coach