Wisdom’s Muscles — Part 4


Sam Mokhtari
3 min readMar 10, 2024
Photo by Anastasiya Badun on Unsplash

Welcome back to our exploration of wisdom’s fascinating terrain! In previous parts, we uncovered the secrets of wisdom’s foundation and its muscles including goodness and faith. Now, let’s dive into the next “muscle”: Acknowledgment. Our goal is to make it more than just a concept; we’ll break it down, understand its role in the grand tapestry of wisdom, and discover practical ways to boost this crucial aspect.

In the journey towards wisdom, the concepts of acknowledgment and confirmation play a pivotal role. These terms go beyond mere recognition; they involve a conscious and deliberate acceptance of truths, beliefs, or principles.

Acknowledgement doesn’t mean agreeing with everything. It’s about opening yourself to a fuller understanding of the world, which allows you to make wiser choices, build stronger connections, and find deeper meaning.

How acknowledgment contribute to wisdom

Acknowledgment and confirmation involve more than passive awareness; they entail an active engagement with ideas, beliefs, or experiences. Acknowledgment implies a sincere recognition of the existence or validity of something, while confirmation goes a step further, involving a deliberate affirmation or validation of a particular truth.

Acknowledgment and confirmation provide a solid foundation for the acquisition of wisdom. By acknowledging fundamental truths and confirming their validity, individuals establish a baseline of understanding that allows for deeper insights and more profound reflections. The willingness to acknowledge and confirm new ideas fosters an openness to learning. Wisdom is not stagnant but thrives on continuous growth and adaptation. Embracing new knowledge and perspectives through acknowledgment contributes to the broadening of one’s wisdom.

Acknowledging the limitations of one’s knowledge and confirming the potential for continuous learning cultivates humility. Wisdom often flourishes in the soil of humility, encouraging individuals to seek knowledge beyond their current understanding.

The process of acknowledgment involves critically evaluating information, discerning its validity, and confirming its relevance. Engaging in this cognitive exercise contributes to the development of critical thinking skills, a crucial aspect of wisdom.

The Art of Acknowledgment: Expanding Your Wisdom

Imagine your wisdom is like a tree. Acknowledgment is the sunlight and water that helps it grow strong and tall. Here’s how to actively cultivate your capacity for acknowledgment:

Stay Curious: Approach the world with the wide-eyed wonder of a child. Ask questions, dig beneath the surface of situations and ideas. This curiosity opens the door to acknowledging new perspectives and deeper understanding.

  • Example: Instead of immediately dismissing an opinion you disagree with, ask yourself: “Why might someone believe this? What experiences in their life could have shaped this viewpoint?”

Be a Thoughtful Observer: Take time for reflection. Journal, meditate, or simply go for a walk and process what you see and learn. This lets you acknowledge your own initial reactions and consider if they need adjustment in light of new information.

  • Example: After a heated argument, instead of stewing in anger, journal about what triggered you. This might lead to acknowledging that your own insecurities played a role, a first step into wiser conflict resolution.

Embrace the Variety of Life: Actively seek out viewpoints different from your own. This could be reading books by diverse authors, attending cultural events, or simply having a respectful conversation with someone whose life experience is vastly different. Acknowledging the rich tapestry of the world helps you avoid simplistic thinking.

The Joy of “I Was Wrong”: Never stop learning! Be open to acknowledging when new information changes your mind. This isn’t weakness; it’s wisdom in action, showing a commitment to ongoing growth.


In a world that often values certainty above all else, embracing the power of acknowledgment — and sometimes even admitting “I don’t know yet” — is a radical act of wisdom. It’s choosing a nuanced understanding over simplistic answers. May we all find the courage to acknowledge the complexity that surrounds us and, from there, build a wiser, more compassionate world.



Sam Mokhtari

Technology thought leader with 15+ years in cloud, data analytics, and AI @ AWS | PhD | Author & Speaker | Life Mentor & Coach