Samuel Oluwatimilehin Ajayi
2 min readMay 4, 2024
Pulling your own weight for far too long.

The life you are living is not push or pull. Take a look at tug of war. It’s not about how strong you are, you can always loosen your grip and let go completely.

It’s a loss in the challenge, but you chose to let go because you couldn’t hold on any longer.

There’s always a point, breaking point. Every individual has their limits and extensions to make things work for their good.

A soldier who doesn’t have an ounce of fight in him will willingly lay down his arms and yield to his enemy, obviously because he still wants to keep his life and face the humiliation of doing so.

What if you are your worst enemy?

The mind is a stronghold because what you believe is what you become.

What you say in your mind is what you listen to. You’re listening to yourself.

At times it’s a fatal flaw or worse, the end of yourself. Coming to the end of yourself makes you realize you’re just the best and worst you can be — a beautiful disaster.

Close Enough.

The world was never programmed to be in your favour. You can either be what’s favourable or unfavourable.

It’s harder than it seems because you can’t tell when you’re doing both.

You settle for less when you could have settled for more.

You don’t know when to stop trying.

Life is hard, but don’t die trying to make it harder. You’re definitely not the guy in the diehard movie .

Take a pause, a sigh of relief. Breathe. Breathe again, and this time deeply.

Let it sink. You have an inner peace. An inner man.

One who makes you you, and not a you you question everyday of being.

One who makes you complete because you are not alone, you’re with him.

One who makes you depend on him, and in that you can exceed your limitations.

He’s your sufficiency in insufficiency.

He has made your strength perfect in weakness.

You have more to give than what was ever taken from you.

2 Corinthians 3:5

Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency [is] of God;

