Mobiapp Ltd.
1 min readJan 16, 2021

Crio – A platform where real learning begins

The biggest reason in joining Crio – Winter of Doing was to go back and refresh the basics and learn a new thing or two in the process. This is as RAW as it gets when it comes to basic concepts like HTTP, REST, Linux, GIT, AWS coupled with LIVE sessions and keynotes by successful entrepreneurs that keep you engaged and wanting for more.

There is earning in Learning the Crio way. Not just monetary gains but most importantly you connect with like minded people, get to practice by doing or rather playing in the playground getting your hands dirty with the tools that motivates and encourages you to be the best developer you can be.

I recommend Crio to any developer at any stage of their career to hone their skills and get mentorship to help progressing to the next stage. A paper published in Harvard business review suggest that 86% of companies executives believe that mentors can avoid costly mistakes.

Thanks #learningbydoing #getinspiredbydoing