Old jokes that always work

2 min readJul 6, 2017
Zebra crossing

- Two people are fighting/arguing in a stationary location (not a vehicle).
A third person yells: ‘Be quiet! I will turn this [restaurant] around!’

- The protagonist is in a situation they’re not enjoying. Eg: their mother in law is badgering them in a food service location (restaurant). At the peak of the protagonist’s annoyance, a waiter approaches and asks if they would like something to drink. The protagonist replies ‘dear god, yes!’

- A person enters a new location, expecting someone they’re familiar with. They don’t look up to confirm the presence of the person, instead beginning whatever they want to say. A little way through their statement/question, they lookup to discover someone entirely different to the person they were expecting. They say facetiously: ‘[Glen], you look so different…/have changed so much/have grown]’ etc.

- Someone tells a story, expecting the person they’re talking to to be happy for them: eg ‘I was in Italy recently, building orphanages; it was so nice to get away and do something nice at the same time.’ The other person replies: ‘You make me sick/sicken me’

- Why didn’t you get the big one? Said to someone holding something much too big.

- The ‘negative positive’ joke. Someone pays someone a seemingly innocuous compliment: ‘Hey, dude…

