The Concept of Virtuality in X Card Financial Services

Sampo star
3 min readOct 6, 2019


Previously, there were many paradigms in the community who considered that the Blockchain technology platform could only be used and transacted for services related to the world of cryptocurrency. For example, if a platform issues a credit card or crypto debit card, then this card certainly cannot be used by ATM machines owned by banks. This will certainly become a reality, if the founders of platforms like X Card do not have the right way to overcome this problem. Currently, not all countries have ATM machines that specifically serve cryptocurrency currency transactions. But now X Card has chosen to work with Visa in launching its credit card. Therefore all ATM machines that have a Visa logo will be able to receive access to this crypto card.

Did you know that the credit or debit card that we use is a specially designed card and its circulation must have permission from the local authority. Visa and Mastercard are two American companies that have a business concentration in the area of ​​providing financial cards. At present, the two companies have a business network that is spread in hundreds of countries. Therefore a good investment decision, when X Card chose Visa to take part in the launch of its credit card. This certainly proves that the company from the superpower has opened itself to the development of Blockchain technology. Of course this automatically can be an important support for X Card and other Blockchain technology platforms.

Basically the presence of a crypto currency is not a threat to fiat currencies. Because both will continue to run simultaneously in order to balance the world economy. Did you know that so far the success of Bitcoin has opened many jobs for a number of investments built by the owner. This certainly can happen because the BTC tokens are exchanged with fiat international currencies. Where after the exchange process occurs, the fiat currency will be used to buy a number of goods or services that only accept fiat currency. In addition, currently each country has the authority to enforce its own currency. Of course this is due to show the identity and sovereignty of the country, especially in the economic field. However, as modern economic creatures, each country should not turn a blind eye to the development of this cryptocurrency technology. Did you know that the benefits of managing this technology will flow directly to the state treasury. For example, if someone gets 100 BTC from the results of his investment and he buys a sports car at a very fantastic price. Surely the car will also be taxed every year, right? This phenomenon of harmony is certainly a reason for X Cards to be able to launch credit cards that can be accessed at all types of ATMs and EDCs that have the Visa logo. The use of the Visa logo is certainly not only used to access ATM or EDC machines. However, indirectly, it is also used to expand market share. This is of course because the Visa business network that has so spread to various countries. Besides this card you can also use to shop on various E-commerce platforms.

In a number of developed countries, ATM or Debit cards are now designed in virtual form that can be accessed by scanning or scanning services. Therefore, as a platform that always follows the changing times and economic revolution, now X Card is launching a crypto virtual card. This card can certainly be obtained by the user by first registering on the X Card application service. Currently, not all countries have adopted the use of this virtual card. But of course now also many countries have planned to adopt the concept of the virtual card. Even developing countries like Indonesia have also adopted this virtual credit or debit card concept. Therefore before it is officially launched in 2020. Surely the X Card will determine which potential countries can be used as business land.

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