MobX 4, Firebase, Websockets, and You

Sampson Oliver
2 min readApr 15, 2018


In a previous article, I discussed how to use MobX atoms to make your observables become observer-aware. This introduced the concepts of an observable becoming observed, and becoming unobserved, and using these events in order to set up or tear down a data stream.

Today I learned the wonderful MobX 4.x release has made all such work redundant, which is a lovely thing indeed!

MobX and You

MobX 4 introduces a swathe of new features, but amongst them are two incredible hooks for allowing more power over your resource management. These are onBecomeObserved and onBecomeUnobserved. These hooks let us set up event listeners for when an observable entity starts/stops being watched by some observer component, which can let us resume or suspend a realtime data stream — like a Firebase DB connection, or an open Websocket!

Here’s how (shown in Typescript, just remove types for pure JS):

import { onBecomeObserved, onBecomeUnobserved } from 'mobx'
import { observable, decorate } from "mobx";
class AutoObservable<T> {
data: T

constructor(onObserved: () => void, onUnobserved: () => void) {
onBecomeObserved(this, 'data', onObserved)
onBecomeUnobserved(this, 'data', onUnobserved)
decorate(AutoObservable, {
data: observable

The above defines a generic class definition, that takes two handlers in its constructor which will be responsible for opening and closing the realtime data stream. The decorate method allows using the @observable decorator, but without actually having experimental decorator support enabled.

Then, to implement the AutoObservable, we use:

var autoObservable: AutoObservable<number>
var socket: Websocket
const openStream = () => {
socket = new Websocket("ws://localhost:8080")
socket.on("message", message => { = message })
const closeStream = () => { socket.close() }autoObservable = new AutoObservable(openStream, closeStream);

And that’s that. Replace “Websocket” with “Firestore Listener” or any other realtime datasource and you’ve got yourself a self-managing data object that opens and closes its datasource only when it becomes observed/unobserved. Like magic.



Sampson Oliver

Team lead @acloudguru, serverless junky, runner, feminist, & infrequent music producer. @sampsonjoliver on GitHub/twitter et al