Saam BrNg
2 min readJan 12, 2024


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

1. No man wants a woman who is easily available to every man. Men always value women who are loyal and always feel the pride of having such a woman of value.

2. You will reach the age where you can easily tell that the relationship will not work just by the conversation. Fall in love with the mind, it has a bigger percentage than the heart.

3. If you have to beg someone to do the bare minimum for you and if you have to keep telling them how you deserve to be treated better, for goodness sake leave. It’s not worth your peace.

4. Don’t ignore the red flags you see at the beginning. The red flags you ignore trying to see the good in people will cost you later.

5. Just because a person keeps you around doesn’t mean they love you; remember, people, buy cats to get rid of rats. You may be just there for other reasons not love.

6. If sex is all you are about in a relationship, then it means you are empty. A healthy relationship is about purpose! Sharing visions and values. Support and grow as a team.

7. In life, you need to learn to stop opening doors for toxic people giving them room in your mind, and calling it “seeking closure!” You’re delaying your healing process.

8. Avoid the damaged, the unhappy, and the unlucky. Such people will cost you and spread their damages, unhappiness, and bad luck to you.

9. Anger opens the mouth and shuts the mind. Know how to control your anger and emotional discipline. This way you can shut most of your relationship troubles.

10. As a woman, understand that men will say and do anything to sleep with you. Look at the actions, don’t be blinded by words. Anyone can talk a good game, but it takes a real ball player to play one.



Saam BrNg

A passionate content writer who wants to explore the depths of human connections also provide insightful perspectives on the complexities of the human psyche.