Five ways to Introspect yourself

Samridhi Saini
3 min readAug 26, 2021


Self-introspection is important essential nowadays so here are some ways.

1. Journaling

Journaling nowadays becoming indispensable maybe because it has many benefits including increasing awareness, boosting self-confidence, and improving memory, communication skills, problem-solving skills, and self-expression. Besides that, it also helps us to be organized, on track, and motivated.

The most important point in journaling is that we can check ourselves and know our innersole and what was our condition when we were at the respective stage and what I was going through, the challenges, the learnings I have learned. This makes you grow and makes you understand how you have grown and you can imagine a graph of your growth in your head

2. Maintain your environment

Setting up an ideal environment sounds like a very big deal in today’s world you require a quiet space without distractions or stimulation where you can be alone, peaceful, and undisturbed. But anyhow, some pinpricking sensations are unavoidable, but still if we want we can try to meditate, self-reflect, or think about things while the other sensations are moving around or any family thing going on near you still you can make your mind which I guess is not a big deal.

If you have people around you or you are a family man and it is difficult to have alone and soothing time, waking up 30 minutes earlier in the morning, sitting in the car, or even while in the shower is an option whatever there are plenty of options. You might have to get creative. If you have difficulty sitting still, you could do any type of meditation it can be walking standing. If you feel stuck and outdoors somehow helps bring us back to stillness.

When we practice and practice more, we make progress and become prepared for the “ game ” which is your life. Although mindfulness doesn’t necessarily require sitting and meditating for 30 minutes a day, this helps train us to be stilling to be calm. When you are still, you are with yourself, your mind, and you can practice noticing the thoughts, the sounds, and the sensations. you are away from the hush rush of society and your mind is full of innovations and you can rejuvenate yourself.

3. Use Positive Words and Phrases

Positivity is the soul concept of being happy emotional quotient is handled by our positivity rate this is the reason

We often identify with our feelings as if our feelings are who we are. We say things like “I am angry,” which keeps us identified with the emotion of anger making it difficult to let go.

We are not the emotions we experience, rather we are the experiencer of our emotions. Although we understand this in concept, our languaging and the words we use perpetuate the emotion’s identification.

4. Ask Yourself Empowering Questions

We should ask to oversell questions and in that all we should make changes instead of saying why it happens to me ask what is the problem generate questions to yourself and ask yourself to be productive to work on urself instead of complaining about it.

5. Focus on the Good for Just a Little Bit Longer

Many studies found that it takes at least five positive interactions to make up for just one negative one and which can destroy our focus so it is a very bold point to focus on the good for just a bit longer

