Be Happy And Make Your Own Success Story

Samrina 1
2 min readAug 25, 2017


Success or happiness, which one lead the second one? I know you probably guess the right answer. Yes, success doesn’t bring happiness, happiness brings success.

The 5 steps to positive change suggested by the Shawn Achor, the leading positive psychology expert helped us to develop the understanding of this concept.

Every person have experienced a state when he/she struggled with negativity, emotions, depression or anything related to it. But the people who show positive attitude wins the race. I had also experienced such negativity in my past when someone dear to me discourage me to further study, this leads abundant of emotions and sense of inferiority inside me. And the following steps of positive attitude enabled me to overcome this situation or emotions.

In the first step I follow Journal step to increase my happiness in which I used to think about some nice and adorable memories that really helped me to overcome on my emotions.

Secondly, I follow the Mediate step, take a deep breath and wipe my tears and subsequently overcomes my negativity.

Thirdly, show gratitude by writing three new thinks (in mind) that you are grateful for every day. This will help you to bring an habit of gratitude.

These steps enable you to overcome on your negativity and depression and things similar to them.

Another personal observation is that when you are in a situation of negativity or emotional stress try to clam your mind, taking a nap will help you to relax you mind and think in a different positive way. And subsequently you start your journey towards your success.

