Oracle card for guidance

Oracle cards help us to connect to the universe and to our own higher self.

2 min readApr 22, 2024


All Is Calm Upon These Shores

From ‘The Dream Weave’s’ Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

All is well. How is the time to enjoy the peace. You have worked hard and now is the time to release and let go of any attachment to the outcome. This peace maybe fleeting, so enjoy it while it lasts.

You have nothing to prove. You have reached a state of satisfaction and achievement, bask in that feeling.

Take time to meditate, this can be in any form a silent walk in nature is a form of mediation. Send out a prayer to who or whatever you believe in.

The serenity prayer is perfect (you can change the word God for whatever sit’s with you better, universe, creator, divine or anything else that alines with you):

‘God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.’

Peace is a state of knowing that all is well.

All is well, enjoy the feeling.

It is my hope that this card will help support your life in a positive and meaningful way.

This card comes from ‘The Dream Weaver’s’ Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Thank you for clapping, highlighting and commenting if this card relates to you!

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I love to write about my experiences and share knowledge I have found along the way. I especially love to share Oracle cards and my experiances space clearing.