What Should Someone Who Is Just Starting Out Know About Surfing?

Samson Donick
5 min readSep 6, 2022


Surfers who have never tried surfing before should take their time to master the fundamentals of the sport, such as how to paddle, how to get into a standing position, and how to communicate with other surfers. In addition to that, they need to have all of the necessary surf equipment with them. The majority of lessons are given in surf spots designated for beginners, where the instructor will instruct the student on the fundamentals of paddling and standing on the board.

There are a few things you ought to be aware of before you start surfing the web. You need to have a plan for where to go, how to get there, and how to keep yourself safe while you’re there. The sensation of surfing can be exhilarating, but it also has the potential to be traumatic for certain people. Some people suffer near-misses and decide they will never surf again.

Beginners should get some experience on more manageable waves first before moving on to larger ones. This will help keep them safe. They will be able to avoid getting caught up with the large dogs as a result of this. They ought to go at a slow and steady speed in the water so as to avoid injuring themselves.

As a first-time surfer, it’s crucial to learn good surf etiquette. It is critical to let other surfers know when you are ready to catch a wave or when you are ready to let them go first. It is okay to indicate your intentions through body language as well as by nodding your head sometimes. Asking questions of the other surfers is another method for communicating your intentions to the group.

Realizing that you have the right of way at all times is one of the most essential aspects of proper surfing etiquette. Having the “right of way” when you’re surfing not only ensures that you have the ability to catch waves, but it also helps you become a more skilled surfer overall. It also means being able to stay afloat for an extended period of time without falling off the board. In addition, making sure you follow your right of way helps avoid a free-for-all in the line-up, which ensures that even novice surfers get a shot at catching waves. In addition, being aware of and respecting your right of way prevents less experienced surfers from being dropped by more experienced riders.

There are several excellent spots in the Golden State for novice surfers to try their hand at the sport. The magnificent coastline of California boasts excellent surfing conditions throughout the calendar year. In addition, the waves are consistent, making them perfect for novice surfers. Beginner surfers will find some of the most ideal conditions in San Diego and the surrounding area of Los Angeles. If you are in the region and are searching for a beach break with more mild waves, Leo Carrillo Beach is a good option to consider. Tamarack State Beach is yet another excellent location for novice surfers since it is devoid of crowds, has sandy beach break conditions, and features waves that are both tiny and well-formed.

If you are just starting out, it is essential that you ride as many waves as you possibly can. While experienced surfers are able to be picky about the waves they ride, novice surfers require a multitude of learning chances. In addition, you should make every effort to avoid surfing at well-known surf breaks, which are likely to be crowded. It’s possible that local surfers won’t like your attempts to surf at these spots.

When you’re surfing, the single most important thing you can do for yourself is to keep your head up and focus on the water in front of you. You’ll be able to keep an eye out for other surfers and the waves that are coming toward you if you do it this way. The bulk of surfer collisions happen because one surfer did not maintain their distance from the other surfers. In addition to this, make sure that you do not shuffle your feet as much as you can while you are surfing. This will prevent stingrays from approaching, allowing you to maintain your distance from them.

A novice surfer should never venture outside of the surf channel, which is designated as a protected area for the sport. It only takes a little bit of current to shift your location, so make sure to check it every few minutes just to be safe. A beginner surfer cannot accurately predict the actions of more experienced surfers and therefore runs the risk of accidently colliding with more experienced surfers. This is another essential point to keep in mind. The most effective approach to avoid this is to remain within the surf channel at all times and to maintain a state of constant vigilance.

Common errors are made by beginning and intermediate surfers when they are still learning the sport. One of the most frequent errors is failing to stretch one’s body sufficiently in order to accept the maneuver being performed. Another typical error is to keep your head facing straight ahead when navigating corners. You have to relax your rigidity if you want to have a successful performance. When performing complex movements, this is especially crucial to keep in mind.

When you’re out on the water, you need to be sure you don’t lose your equilibrium. The “poo posture” is one that causes beginners to have a low center of gravity and a broad stance. This is because the “poo stance” encourages beginners to have a wide stance. This could result in a complete wipeout as well as a loss of control. The ideal posture involves bending forward slightly at the hips.

A beginner should keep close to the coast and look for waves with less water movement. This is due to the fact that larger waves provide a greater risk. It is essential that you continue to have fun when you surf and that you like the activity. Spending some time and effort is required in order to master the art of surfing. When you have improved your surfing skills, you will be able to ride waves that are both larger and more exciting.

When riding a wave, the most common error that many surfers make is to retain their balance in an unnatural manner. This is the single worst mistake that surfers make. A surfer that adopts this poor stance will have their center of gravity low, and their knees will be spread apart.



Samson Donick

Donick helped lead Choate Rosemary Hall to a Founders League Championship, a number one NEPSAC Class A ranking.