In your own words, explain the meaning of the concept of SDy and why it’s important for HR Analytics. What did you find when you used the CREPID method to estimate the overall economic value of Jim Hill’s job performance in the exercise?

Sophie Claire
2 min readApr 19, 2024


Using Analytics to Understand the Organizational Value of People


Exercise 5 is in page 322 Exercise 1 is in page Complete the Chapter 9 Exercise #5 (p. 322) using the calculator on

Answer the following questions: In your own words, explain the meaning of the concept of SDy and why it’s important for HR Analytics. What did you find when you used the CREPID method to estimate the overall economic value of Jim Hill’s job performance in the exercise?

What are the pros and cons of this method compared to Global Estimation?

Complete the Chapter 10 Exercise #1 (p. 352–353) using the “Enhanced Selection” calculator at Answer the following questions: What is the (1) total utility of the CAP test, (b) the utility per selectee, and © the per-year gain in utility per selectee?

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