5 Ways to Improve Your Mental Health Right Now

Being a good person starts by admitting you’re not

Samantha Stinchcomb
6 min readJan 31, 2022

Let me start this by saying: I am a huge believer in anything considered “self-help”. Books (ily Glennon Doyle!), meditations (guided and not), classes, articles, workshops, Instagram accounts, Ted Talks — you name it, I’m all for it.

I think we can all agree we could use a little help, no matter what it is you’re hoping to accomplish. Whether it’s being a better parent, child, sibling, friend, partner, lover, or person, everyone can improve themselves in someway at any given moment. Being a human being involves constant growth and change…being a decent one, anyway.

The only real issue that I see with this “help us, help you” climate is that, at some point, you have to put into practice all of the information you’ve absorbed. You can pump yourself full of advice, ideas and plans but it won’t make a difference until your very own words & actions align with what you’re consuming. I feel this is where most of us fall short in our self-improvement journey; we’re intimidated by the daunting responsibility to actually make a change happen.

Baby Steps

One of the first steps in my personal self-help shift began with getting a new job. Although I loved what I was doing before and will forever be grateful for that experience, the position wasn’t aligning with my actual interests and career goals.

I began firing off my resume with no actual idea what I was really looking for when I was contacted by a new company, Tribefy, that is looking to change the way we connect. Connection is a huge part of the self-fulfillment journey because it’s comforting to know you’re not alone, no matter how isolating your obstacles may feel. In my first month of working with Tribefy, I can already feel major improvements in the areas I had been struggling in — I’m getting paid to do what I love, I get to share my ideas with like-minded individuals from varying backgrounds, and I’m doing my part to create something that will lead to a more genuine future.

Now I’m not saying you have to quit your job or move to a new country to find happiness. In fact, I’ve done it! And I can tell you it won’t work. No matter where you go, that emptiness & longing, when inside you, will follow you until you address it head-on and start taking control of your own life.

Your first step in this journey doesn’t have to be a giant leap. I’ve compiled a list of 5 things you can do right now to help yourself get on a path towards a more fulfilling life.

1. Take Care of Your Body

Take a minute to listen to your body and give it what it’s asking for — water, sun, food, rest, etc. Often times when trying to help ourselves, we put so much pressure on feeling a certain way that we ignore what we are actually feeling. I’m not saying you need to go run a marathon, but get moving! Even something as simple as going for a walk around your neighborhood can shift your perspective greatly and allow you to approach the situation with a clear mind.

2. Connect With a Community

Even life’s greatest battles become much more manageable when we feel like we have an army standing beside us. At times it can feel like no one around you could possibly relate, but you never truly know someone else’s story and how similar it may be to your own. This can be the most daunting step on your self help journey because it involves other people, so I’m excited to be working with a company that makes this step less unnerving. For example, I’m able to use Tribefy to connect with other #freelancers, thus helping me advance my career. The key to using your connections to help improve your life is making sure these connections align with the direction you want to go.

3. Write It Out

If you open any self help book or attend any workshop, you will be encouraged to put your feelings into words as a means of acceptance and release. Whether this looks like letters never sent, journal entries, pros & cons lists, or just sticky notes around your home, it’s all providing the same sense of fulfillment. Putting words to your emotions forces you to face them and, ultimately, accept them. A lot of my personal writing seems angry or hurt because that’s the initial driving force behind it; however, once those words are put onto paper, the feelings are able to leave my body & mind, allowing me to re-approach the situation with a fresh perspective.

4. Take Back Your Time

Although I’m someone who has never really tried to implement a strict schedule because I’m almost always late (thanks mom), I’ve found that managing my time in ways that are beneficial to me has been huge for my mental well-being. Especially in this constant content culture we’re living in, it’s important to give yourself time away from screens and stimuli. I’m not saying ignore your responsibilities and take a holiday, but pay more attention to what you’re really using your time for. Hide your phone from yourself while you’re working so you can dedicate that time to what actually needs to be done. Make time for friends and family and stick to it — don’t cancel just because you had a rough day. We all have 24 hours in a day, use them wisely.

5. Congratulate Yourself

At the end of the day, if you’ve decided it’s time to take the necessary steps to better yourself in any way, shape, or form, you’re already on your way to becoming a better human being! It’s so important to give yourself credit for getting to where you are now, even if it’s not exactly where you want to be. Realizing the importance of improving yourself is one of the strongest things a person can do, because it’s definitely not easy facing your own thoughts, insecurities, fears, and dreams. Celebrate your small wins as you work towards the big ones.


This article has been sponsored by Tribefy.

Tribefy is a social networking platform that connects people based on their interests. You can join tribes you belong to and connect locally.

At the center of this article is our #self_help. This article explains 5 small ways you can put all of your self-help into action and take steps towards a more fulfilling life.

To know more about Tribefy go to our website: tribefy.com



Samantha Stinchcomb

Stories of real-life living & the lessons learned by consistently growing & going— www.growing-and-going.com