Elite Devs Club — Ep Two.

Oluwole Samuel Olumide
3 min readMay 29, 2019


So today, we had our second meetup after going on a compulsory break because of exams. Unfortunately, about 40% of everyone — Including my co-organizer/partner, Funsho — couldn’t make it because they had to travel for work engagements. Also, our speakers/facilitators canceled about 48hours to the event. 😬 This almost discouraged us from holding the event, but then, I called everyone on the group and about 30% told me they rescheduled their traveling plans because of the meetup. YAAY! Motivation to carry on! 💪🏽️

I made two resolves a night to the event:

  • The program will go on as scheduled.
  • It will make sense. (With no speakers, it was moonshot thinking at the time).

So I kept thinking about how to go about the whole thing, and it struck me; let’s go back to the basis, why did we create this (EDC) in the first place?

It was to create an avenue for these very good guys to Learn first, then Impact. So how do we learn, I thought of tweaking the random topic thing we tried out initially a little bit.

Why not list out a bunch of topics that relates to tech and the business around it, and assign it randomly to everyone.

Everybody picks the topics at random and when they’ll be speaking. This is good because even if someone picks something they are not really good at, they can go on to research about it, develop a presentation on it, and then come on to share what they’ve learned with everyone. There’ll be an interactive session at the end of every talk too. That way, everybody will be learning something new at the end of every meeting.

So I wrote out a bunch of random topics (check the image below), then I picked one out of it for myself to talk on first. Basically, to show how it’s going to be like to everyone else.

I ended up picking distribution. Thankfully, I was just reading a book that did justice to that (Zero to One by Peter Thiel), so I used that as reference material to prepare. Made a couple of notes. Then I went on to speak. It was quite fascinating. Everyone was glued to all I had to say from the beginning to the very end.

(Click here for notes on my talk on Distribution.)

Secondly, we unveiled the Elite Developers Club Newsletter. 😀 This newsletter will include links to gigs, scholarships opportunities, trending tech news around the Internet.

Thirdly, we unveiled:

TedX Lautech. Details on that will be revealed later as time goes on.

Lastly, as I said earlier everybody had to pick topics and time they’ll be speaking randomly. It was one of the interesting moments. Below is the speaking schedule

