Sam's poetry
2 min readMay 11, 2024

presser of success

hi sonyano…. I am your friend sam today we will discuss about the presser of success.

success is a word that can’t be define by a particular definition cause everyone one having there success definition.

It is for me being financially independent and giving contribution to Society , help them from a great level which could make a meaningful impact.

like wise what is your if you are comfortable share with us………

after defining it we want it in any condition . we start our joruny towards it .but cause of ups and downs we gone be pressrise of our success.

to getting it we just hardlly delling with any codition . it is geart to chessing your goal but it dose not mean that don’t think about you and your mental and physical health. with blance of that we have to take the success presser .

hope you will took care of your self .cause I just gone be desrtreb by meantally for some days ago cause of success pressure. I just want no one can go from that horribal phase so I am writing this . Hope it gone be helpful for you.

If you are going then share your story you will feel light and chage your thinking pattern .It is easy to do.


The thing you see and leasin and read like that you think and the thing will happen like that . so see consum the practicle and positive thing so you will behave like that.

Hope you get all this things . keep smiling , keep learning thank you for reading …….

see you soon . have a great day !

Sam's poetry

Just smile and see yourself in mirror you are looking most beautiful person in the keep smiling....