Shingai Samudzi
1 min readMar 4, 2017


“It’s because to be hired as an engineer at Google you have to be very good at something that blacks and Hispanics don’t, for the most part, do.”

I agree with the first bit, about the nonsense of “diversity debt.”

The rest of your post is just lazy, availability heuristic thinking based on clearly limited interaction with either black or Latino (not the same thing as Hispanic) engineering communities. Silicon Valley actually has a pretty deep community of black engineers, and as an engineer and startup founder myself, I have no trouble at all finding either female or minority engineers who are top level talent.

The biggest reason Google and the like have such low numbers isn’t shortage of available talent, but rather a combination of lack of recruitment into the right networks as well as the dreaded perceived lack of “culture fit”

More on the black engineering experience in tech

