Shingai Samudzi
1 min readMay 26, 2015


Yes, of course you can support artists who show art within your comfort zone. But if you are going to intellectualize art, at least be honest about the fact that the lines between what’s “good” and “bad” storytelling are largely subjective, and that fundamentally your perception here is simply shaded by the fact that the content goes far beyond what you personally are comfortable watching.

If GoT was a show that was tanking, your point might have more weight — ie “bad” storytelling driving people away. But you’re talking about something that is generation-defining given the global nature of its appeal and fanbase, which makes it clear that you’re hiding your visceral discomfort of certain types of content behind intellectual and moral arguments.

I could make the argument that if the purpose of art is to dispense moral guidance, then why stop at boycotting GoT? Why not boycott anything with violence, like The Vikings? Hence my initial remark — it’s clear you are OK with realistic depictions of male on male violence, but not ok with violence, especially sexual violence, towards women. That’s fine. It’s a lot less awkward to just own the fact that you have logically inconsistent preferences than to spend a lot of words trying to justify the moral superiority of your emotional preferences.

