Should developers stop estimating their tickets?

Sam Fare
4 min readApr 28, 2019
Photo by Djim Loic on Unsplash

Somewhere in an office far far away.

I’m starting work on my new ticket :) All I have left to do is to estimate how long it will take.


*Rolls Eyes* Isn’t it obvious! the business needs certainty around how long the ticket will take.

And you think an estimate will give it that certainty?

Well yes, I mean not a complete certainty. Some projects like, Universal Credit and NHS Connecting for Health estimates were wrong.

When is it right?

Err. sometimes.

Can you name a time?


So we have something that is regularly wrong, and we’re using it to give the business certainty.

Fine! Fine! Fine! They’re not perfect they are ‘Fast and dirty’

That just sounds like another word for wrong…

Fine, they are a ‘finger in the wind’.

