The BIG realisation that got me my first job as a programmer.

And what I did about it.

Sam Fare
3 min readAug 26, 2018

Back at university the jobs world seemed like a very different place.

As somebody with no work experience, when looking for my first programming job:

  • I felt anxious about the Idea of getting a job.
  • I struggled to communicate a convincing message in interviews.
  • I lived in a world where finding a job was an ‘If’.

5 years later. The world is very different. I feel confident in the workplace, I have an awesome gameplan for interviews. If I decided to make a career move I would feel confident that I would find a good Job in a reasonable timeframe.

This is of course down to 1000 different small learnings and actions. But there is one realisation that towers above all others. If your looking to enhance your employability this is the perfect place to start.

The realisation is this:

The overwhelming majority of people applying to the same job as you will have an almost identical CV.

When you hear that for the first time it might seem a little demotivating. why would you wan’t to know that you don’t stand out.

