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Want to learn any programming language? — Write These 3 Simple Apps!

Sam Fare
6 min readJul 22, 2019

I’ve recently had my whole ability as a programmer called into question. What has caused this personal crisis? trying to learn one of the most baffling languages around.

Clojure is a world away from languages like JavaScript, Java or C#. Firstly because it’s a completely functional language. Secondly, because the syntax is well, weird.

To get an idea of what I’m on about. Let's have a look at this simple function to find anagrams.

If you are reading this as someone who already knows Clojure or another LISP dialect. You will probably know exactly what this does, but I hope those who have not done any Clojure or LISP before will agree that this is a little confusing.

For those interested. This function finds anagrams of a word. It does so by taking in a list of all words that exist and a string. It then filters out any words in the dictionary that are not anagrams of the string. If the string is a word in its own right the word is removed from the list (as it can’t be an anagram of itself)…

