Just Delete Me: A Powerful Tool For Scrubbing You Off The Internet

Cyber Sam
3 min readMar 6, 2024

Link: backgroundchecks.org/justdeleteme/

Just delete me is a great directory of links and tips on how to remove any account you use on popular websites. This is just one useful tool produced by backgroundcheck.org.

Trying to delete an account you have with a certain website can sometimes be difficult due to a concept called dark pattern or deceptive patterns. These are usually tricks played by sites that manipulate you into doing something you didn’t want to do. In the context of account deletion this is more on obstruction of this service. Many people will give up on trying to delete their account if it is not readily available, and many sites are banking on this. To see more on this concept see the following link:

Just Delete me circumvents dark patterns by providing you a readily available list of links and tips on how to delete your accounts. They also have a tiered list on how difficult an account will be to delete:

  • Easy: simple deletion process (e.g. eBay)

