WhatsMyName: A Vital OSINT Tool

Cyber Sam
5 min readJan 2, 2024

Link: WhatsMyName.app

WhatsMyName is a free username enumeration tool by organisation Osint Combine (their website). This tool allows you to find usernames across a plethora of sites. You can enter one or multiple usernames into the search box, and the tool will enumerate those names.

Simple How To

  1. Input the username(s) into the search box, apply category filters if needed, and then either click the search icon or press CTRL+Enter.
  2. The outcomes will be displayed as icons on the left and in a searchable table on the right.
  3. Automatic Document and Google searches will populate at the bottom, utilising the initial username in your list as the search term.


Let’s use Elon as an example. I have copied and pasted his X handle into the search bar

The search then takes a minute to search all social media, docs, and google searches

As you can see this particular username has brought back a huge amount of results. Below is the page fully zoomed out. There are 187 found username results, for each find by…

