Increase your Facebook page likes with these 10 hacks!

Samuel Tettey-fio
4 min readSep 28, 2018


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Have you ever come across a page with thousands of followers but poor engagement on their posts? It’s most likely they have spent a lot of money to acquire a huge number of fake followers. 🤦🏾‍

In this week’s post, I will share with you ten tips you can use to get organic Facebook page likes instead of spending money to buy fake people who will not engage with your page. (PS: organic means real people)

  1. Share The Link To Your Facebook Page With Your Whatsapp Contacts: Whatsapp gives you the option to create a broadcast list with a handpicked contacts of choice. Be sure to leave out conflict of interest contacts. If you are creating a Facebook page for your side hustle, you definitely do not want to invite your boss from work. Copy and share the link to your Facebook page with a small note asking them to kindly like your facebook page.
How to create a Whatsapp Broadcast.

2. Include Links In Your Email Signature: add links to your Facebook page and other accounts in your email signature. If you send out newsletters for your customers or subscribers, include the links to your social media pages as well. It’s very likely that the people you correspond with will check out your page and like it.

Gmail Signature Settings.

3. Invite Your Friends To Like Your Page: most of us boast of a huge number of friends on Facebook, well you have to fall on them now for page likes. Head to your page and Invite your friends to like your page.

4. Add Business Page as a workplace: Facebook gives you the option to add your workplace to your profile and it’s about time you make use of it. People who view your profile are very likely to be interested in what you are into as well.

A Facebook Profile with Workplace.

5. Ask Employees To Use Business Page As A Workplace: if you have employees or colleagues, ask them to use the business page as their workplace as well.

6. Facebook Groups: add yourself to Facebook groups that discuss or share the same interest as your business. The average Facebook group has 5,000 members. Share the link of your Facebook Page with a small note asking people to like your page.

7. Invite People Who Have Engaged With Your Posts To Like Your Page: go through your post and invite people who have engaged with your posts but have not liked your page.This is useful if a post you made attracted so much engagement.

Inviting People Who Have Engaged With Your Posts To Like Your Page.

8. Include A Facebook Page Like Widget On Your Website: If your business has a website, add a Facebook Page Like widget to the footer. It allows people to like your Facebook page right from your website. (PS: Drop me a line in the comment section if you need a website for your business).

9. Invite Your Gmail And LinkedIn contacts: export your contacts from Gmail and Linkedin into an excel sheet and send a mass email inviting them to like your Facebook page. Remember to scan through and remove any conflict of interest contacts. Also, to give it a personal feel, send the email from your personal account.

10. Create Engaging Posts: when your followers like and comment on your posts, their friends also get to see the posts and interact with your page as well. Check out my blog post on how to create engaging posts.

Thank you for reading. I hope this helps. If you need help implementing any of this tips, drop me a line in the comment section.

I am passionate about Tech and Digital Marketing. I have worked with brands and companies in Ghana, Burkina Faso, United Kingdom and United States of America. Find out more here



Samuel Tettey-fio

Google Certified Digital Marketer | Developer | God Chaser | Freelancer |. Digital Portfolio: