Sam Lehrer Miami Professional Explains Capital Medical Equipment vs Traditional

Samuel David Lehrer
2 min readApr 13, 2020

Medical sales professional Sam Lehrer of Miami helps readers understand what separates capital medical equipment from other traditional facility equipment.

Sam Lehrer Miami has spent decades in the medical sale, management, and business development industries. Over the years, he’s gained a thorough understanding of the field’s top equipment and helps readers understand how capital medical equipment like hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) machines are different from traditional equipment.

“At the very basic level, the term capital medical equipment helps lump together those devices that are very expensive and that tend to have a vital function and are only used in specific circumstances,” says Sam Lehrer of Miami. “Because of this, they tend to be a source of income for the medical facility and will likely cost high sums of money for the patient as a result. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy machines are just such a device that is gaining a lot of popularity across the country for various procedures.”

Capital medical equipment like HBOT machines are purchased at high costs and are meant to bring quality patient care for much longer than other devices you’d find around a hospital or doctor’s office. Sam Lehrer Miami tells us that these types of facilities tend to have what’s called a “set mark” for purchasing new machinery. The set mark can be any sum of money determined by the leaders of the medical facility that acts as a precaution against excessive purchasing. Once a machine surpasses the threshold cost, leaders must deliberate on how helpful it will be in their services and what the longevity of the device is.

“Another hallmark of capital medical equipment is the sheer size,” says Sam Lehrer Miami. “While medical equipment used in everyday services tend to be portable, capital medical equipment tends to be much larger. Think of the giant internal scanning machines that nearly fill up half a room. While this isn’t an exact requirement, more often than not this tends to be a sure indicator that machinery is capital equipment.”

Capital equipment, Sam Lehrer of Miami continues, isn’t a device that is routinely purchased, either. He says purchasing this machinery often happens when a facility has expanded its physical space or else has acquired additional funds to begin offering the new service. It’s usually a significant upgrade that will help medical facilities provide new, specialized solutions to their patients.

“These devices will change a medical facility’s entire image in the public’s eye and can be used to boost reputation and overall performance, bringing the facility at the cutting edge of technology,” says Sam Lehrer Miami.



Samuel David Lehrer

Sam David Lehrer is a graduate of the University of Florida and since graduation, Sam has been in Medical sales, management, and business development.