Things I wish I knew when I started coding

Samuel Ajala
3 min readFeb 16, 2023

When you start learning how to code, you’re gonna think you know all you need to, but that’s not always the case, just as when I started, I thought I wouldn’t need to write on this, but I was wrong, here are some things you probably weren’t told.

Be Patient

There’s no rush, when learning how to code, don’t focus on when or by what time you should have mastered it, Just take your time. If you’re not patient and decide to rush through things, you’ll probably end up knowing little and then having to come back to learn it, not cool right.

Don’t Compare yourself with others

When you start comparing yourself to people you think are better, you become anxious and lose patience, you wanna learn things fast, and start to measure your progress by another person, this happened to me earlier when I started coding, I experienced this, and a lot of people still do.

Try another learning option

If you’re having problem trying to understand a concept or topic, but you don’t seem to get, and you think you’re not smart enough for coding, you’re wrong, maybe the problem is not you, it could be your learning resource/teacher, there are thousands of resources/teachers, try another one, then you’ll understand it.

Start building with what you know

This is something I learnt late in my coding journey, Once you have a basic knowledge of a concept, build with it immediately, then as you learn, you can always add to the project. Never wait until you feel you’ve known enough, you can’t, everything changes with time, so start building.

Nothing is too difficult to learn

If others can know it, so can you. We’re humans, and one great thing about the human brain is that it can learn anything with consistency. You may be having a hard time trying to grasp some concepts, and it may take a while, but it’s not impossible.

Practice will get you out of Tutorial hell

You can actually watch videos and think you already know it, but when it comes to execution, you’re stuck, you don’t know what to do, you can’t code a simple app without copying or following a video, you’re probably in tutorial hell, and how do you get out? — Practice, when you practice your learning consistently, concepts become clearer, and now you don’t just know something, you can now do it.

Always have fun

Remember to always have fun, and take breaks when necessary to avoid burnout. Taking breaks from coding isn’t a sign of weakness.


That’s all for now, hope you enjoyed reading this article, If you did, please leave some emojis and follow If you have any questions, feel free to comment or reach out. Let’s connect

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Samuel Ajala

Embedded Systems × Machine Learning Enthusiast