A brief reflection on alienation and recognition during a pandemicIt seems perfectly normal for us to feel increasingly lonely and disconnected during the time of a global pandemic, and with it, a…Apr 14, 2020Apr 14, 2020
Hong Kong’s dialectic between spontaneity and organization(Initially published in Platypus Review, 119…Sep 1, 2019Sep 1, 2019
走出和理非與勇武的二元對立 — 淺論直接抗爭(Direct Action)香港的社會運動自雨傘運動後,便一直在主流論述中被分為兩派﹕「和理非」,旨在以和平理性非暴力的抗爭模式改變人心及政府,其例子包括傘運、六四晚會及各大和平遊行;「勇武」派,旨在「以武抗暴」,不畏採取武力以直接阻止當權者施行暴政,其最為人熟識的例子莫過於魚蛋革命。兩者不單界限分明,更互…Jun 14, 20191Jun 14, 20191
從抗爭經歷反思左右抗爭成敗的社會結構在日常中活中,我們把自身身處的社會結構當成是理所當然的,無法想像其改變的可能性。社會的崩壞以及我們抗爭的經歷,卻帶來反思這結構的機會。在反對逃犯條例修訂案的抗爭中,香港人異想天開地提出了無數的抗爭方法,但這些方法一方面都是以撼動我們的社會結構為前提,另一方面其可行性也取決於現在的…Jun 11, 2019Jun 11, 2019
如何帶著問題讀書(哲學篇)對不少大學生而言,進入大學的第一大挑戰就是閱讀文獻。閱讀文獻的艱辛,不僅在於文獻本身的難度,更在於閱讀方式的轉變。教授會對他們說﹕「不可以單單讀,記緊要帶著問題讀書。」沒有比這更令人痛苦及困惑的指引──他們不是不想帶著問題讀書,而是他們根本不知道有什麼問題可以問。以下相信是不少學…Sep 23, 2018Sep 23, 2018
The Value of Travelling and why we may want to Reject it“Niagara Falls, Dublin Castle and the Great Wall of China do our experiencing for us. They come ready-interpreted, thus saving us a lot of…Jun 30, 20182Jun 30, 20182
Mapping the Discursive Space and Boundaries of DebatingAs debaters, we all have experienced the frustration of making an argument only to find it fall on deaf ears; As judges, we have all heard…May 20, 20181May 20, 20181