Multipart Upload of Large Files to AWS S3 with Nodejs.

samuel henshaw
7 min readOct 31, 2022
Photo by Mike van den Bos on Unsplash


In the list of Cloud services which includes AWS, GCP, Azure, amongst others, AWS tops the list as seen in Stackoverflow 2021 survey with over 54.22%. implying that developers adoption of AWS services around 2021 was high. Well, it can be attributed to its long years in the cloud industry.

AWS maintains its lead as the most widely used cloud platform…

AWS has a lot of services and amongst them is the AWS S3 Storage. according to Amazon s3 webpage.

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is an object storage service offering industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance.

AWS S3 service is great for storing any kind of file, with a ‘huge’ documentation for anything you want to achieve. In my own case i was faced with AWS S3 upload of large file and the big question for me was how to do chunk upload? A serious session of googling, browsing through AWS documentation and more to get it done, resulted to a great solution. Hence, this article will describe how to upload large files to AWS S3 bucket using Multipart Upload and the official aws s3 package — aws-sdk.


