Samuel Joseph
4 min readSep 10, 2018


The Knowledge of blockchain and cryptocurrency has been growing exponentially in Nigeria within the past 2 years, on steemit (social network built on STEEM blockchain), Nigeria is one of the top users of that dapp, ONO (a social network on EOSIO) has Nigerians as the highest number of users, Nigeria hosted one of the first ever recorded EOS meet-up/ hangout in Africa, organized by @samstickkz 7 months ago.

Port Harcourt City will be the first city in Africa and maybe in the world to have an EOS-HUB, powered by EOSNATION and WIA. This HUB will be launched on the 22nd of September 2018.


The EOSNATION HUB is a response to the need to promote EOS, build blockchain and crypto researchers around the world and the need to activate rapid growth of EOS users in Nigeria and around the world.

The EOSNATION HUB, will have these components: EOS blockchain inquiry center, mini-hackathon center, and EOS university club center). Thanks to EOSNATION and WIA, the hub has been equipped with a projector and projector screen, a laptop, air conditioning system, a standby generator, and some tables and chairs.

  1. Repainting of the EOSNATION Hub: To get a new look and a serene environment, for conference and meetups to be carried out beautifully.
air condition installation was done before the painting

2. Fixing of the furniture: This process includes fixing the chairs, tables, bookshelf, EOS promotional materials and some other tech-related books. installing air conditioning system, generator, and some wiring.

3. Fixing the EOS banner: In other for people to know what exactly the place is for, a big EOSNATION design has been placed in front of the Hub and inside for people to see and know what the place is for.

I believe EOSNATION HUB will play a lead role in the creation of innovative projects and ideas based on EOS. This HUB will obviously create an enabling environment for disruptive ideas to be birthed, for meet-ups and general EOS inquiries.

The HUB is strategically located close to University of Port Harcourt, so students can easily come around to learn about EOS blockchain and the various dapps built on it like http://carmel.io . This is needed because they obviously cannot learn about blockchain in school currently.

If you would love to make your EOS dapp known on the day of the launch or you would love to have a roll-up banner of your project around the hub on that day, then contact me or write to eosnation. You can also create a custom-made boot for your dapp.

Big thanks to EOSNATION for making this HUB a reality and to carmel.io for their support.

