The ease of living with HDAC

3 min readNov 30, 2017

The rapid growth of technology and the internet make our life easier. in every aspect of human life can not be separated from the internet activity today. Ranging from medicine, service to customers, banking and even the automotive world is also entering the Internet era. All this makes every human being feel unlimited distances with other humans across the continent.

We are familiar with HYUNDAI isn’t it? yes you are right, many of their products are present around us. Starting from heavy equipment, cars and even elevators and escalators, perhaps among us know more products from HYUNDAI.

HDAC? yes you must ask what is the connection between HDAC and HYUNDAI?

Hdac is supported by Hyundai BS & C. So it is very obviously connected. That means the base of this coin is very solid. Imagine not a company of HYUNDAI? Their new technology enables fast, secure and effective communication between IoT devices.

what are you thinking? IoT devices are nonstandard computing devices that connect wirelessly to the network and have the ability to transmit data; These are Internet of Things.

The Internet of Things (IoT) has transformed the world in to a gigantic, ever-evolving information platform. Anything that can be connected, will be connected.

Now it’s time to embrace that connection for everything the IoT is set to become.

Experts have predicted that by 2025 there will be up to 30 billion connected devices, a number of which you regularly use on a daily basis. From smart homes, smart cars and smart watches to fitness trackers, VR headsets and any other wearable device (or indeed any device at all, for that matter) you could possibly imagine, the opportunity for safe and efficient “hyper-connectivity” is endless.

We will all use that kind of devices in our lifes in the future. They will make the world easier to live.

HDAC goal is to harness that opportunity to help you go “Beyond the Human Pay”. Through secure Blockchain technology, Hdac can assign contracts to all your smart devices to fit your life pattern. In layman’s terms, HDAC make your life easier.

So, why Hdac? We’re the next generation digital service platform based on trust. And we’re just getting started.

Join us today. Thrive in the future.

Have you ever dreamed of owning a bank? yes with HDAC you are your own bank.

“Beyond the Human Pay” philosophy allows you to provide the currency your devices can use. You are in control, safe in the knowledge your transactions are interactively secure. Privacy is one of the biggest challenges facing IoT, so Hdac configures unique Hybrid Blockchain Networks for general and special purpose users. Hdac platform acts to support micro-transactions with state-of-the-art hardware wallets immune to viruses.

This platform got all the bases covered. Your devices can enjoy a carefree connection, just as you intended. So join us today n make your life more easy.

Writer : Howie1400

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