what happens to your belly fat when you drink wine?

Samuel maina
2 min readFeb 5, 2023


Drinking wine can impact belly fat in different ways depending on factors similar to the quantum and frequency of wine consumed, and the existent’s overall diet and life habits. In moderate quantities, wine can actually have health benefits as it contains antioxidants that can help cover heart complaints and certain types of cancer.

Red wine in particular contains resveratrol, an important antioxidant that has been linked to bettered heart health and weight loss. still, consuming too important wine, especially on a regular base, can lead to an increase in belly fat. This is because wine is high in calories, with a normal of 120- 150 calories per 5- ounce glass. However, the redundant calories can be stored as fat, particularly in the abdominal region, If consumed in excess. you are also, drinking wine before refections can beget gluttony and lead to weight gain.

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The alcohol in wine can disrupt the normal hunger hormones, causing you to feel less complete and more likely to gormandize. It’s important to note that wine is also frequently consumed alongside high-calorie, unhealthy foods like pizza, rubbish, and crackers. These foods can contribute to weight gain, particularly in the abdominal area.

In conclusion, the impact of wine on belly fat eventually depends on the existent’s overall diet, life habits, and the quantum and frequency of wine consumption. Drinking wine in temperance and balancing it with healthy foods and exercise can help minimize the negative impact on belly fat.

