My dream future: Lifestyle Platform for the future

Samuel Michael Squire
3 min readOct 12, 2019


(Photograph credit )

My phone is my personal computer. And it could be so much more.

I want my phone to be integrated with all aspects of my life. I want to see the money I am earning and spending in real time. I want be paid in real time.

Lifestyle Subscriptions

I want there to be more subscriptions. You want to eat out once a week? There’s a subscription for that. You want a coffee in the morning every day before work? There’s a subscription for that. You want to live in the suburbs and commute to work each morning? There’s a subscription for that. You want to live near work and walk to work? There’s a subscription for that.

I want lifestyle catalogues. I want lifestyle shops. Lifestyle shops are like bookshops, the shelves are filled with books, leaflets and cards. Each card represents an attribute or position in life that you can take. You collect all the lifestyles you like and load the tickets onto your credit card account and they become tickets. Your phone tells you what you must do or buy to redeem your ticket. Your lifestyle is unique to you. Want to become a lawyer? There’s a path that you must follow to be a lawyer. Want to be an artist or musician?

Tickets in your account are your subscriptions for life.

Embracing sponsorship

Corporate sponsorship can play part of lifestyles. In addition to marketing, lifestyle sponsorship is lucrative as you’re creating long term customers for a given product or service. I hope for lifestyle companies which exist solely to make a lifestyle possible to live.

Tickets are for saying where you are trying to go, not that you have paid

I want tickets to be added to my online account and to just pass through ticket barriers. It is who you are that gets you access to buildings and transport. If you have a ticket for learning to play an instrument, you would be guided towards events, places and people related to learning to play an instrument. If you bought a journey between train stations or a flight to another city, this could work the same way, you pass on through ticket barriers.

How to implement

Companies promise to offer a certain life style in return for a given price. Insurance and futures markets form around lifestyles. Your lifestyle is probabilistic which means markets can model around your lifestyle. A restaurant lifestyle might book table in advance to handle a number of customers coming into a restaurant. This forms a market place of advertisements. Each company is offering a lifestyle for a given price. People can click an advert and activate that part of the lifestyle. You redeem on entry. You do not have to get your credit card to pay because it’s all been taken care of.

