This meme that ideas are worthless without implementations needs to die.

Samuel Michael Squire
2 min readFeb 28, 2020


You live in the Internet age and people actually hold this view: that ideas are worthless without code.

You have thoughts and feelings every waking minute. Some of them are good.

You have an idea and you share the idea, “Wouldn’t it be cool if…”

You get shut down immediately because you haven’t got any working code. You don’t even have the ability to bring the idea to fruition.

You decide not to share your ideas and you stop thinking of ideas altogether. Your good ideas are consigned to the graveyard because you think they’re worthless and you don’t bother having any new ideas because what’s the point, all your ideas are worthless.

I find this state of affairs to be tragic. This meme in people’s heads needs to change.

Your ideas are beautiful and worth potentially millions. If not today but by some future generation who finds your idea and falls in love with it and decides to implement it.

You only have to inspire one person to make your idea a success. If someone has an idea because of your idea, then you’ve made the world a different place.

Have freedom for imagination and write down every idea and share them.

Ideas become things. Ideas and idealistic thought are the precursor for any creation in human history. RFCs and ISOs begin with discussions on ideas to standardize on some protocol or standard. They’re rarely efforts from a single person alone either.

Someone has to share the idea to start a community. To start some thing you have to put hard work in and share your ideas to get mind share.

You should nurture the skill of having ideas and it will blossom and you will be an idea machine.

Please help me kill this idea that ideas are worthless. It’s barbaric.

