8 Reasons Why You Should Integrate Cloud Technology into Your Business

Samuel Oworen
4 min readOct 3, 2022


Times have changed, and technology has come to stay. Different advancements in technology have brought about positive changes which have benefitted everyone. People can use automation to carry out functions that needed effort back in the day.

Cloud technology involves the passage of computing resources over the cloud (a subset of the internet) to provide swift remodeling, adaptable resources, and economies of scale. These “computing resources” include databases, data analytics, computer software, and artificial intelligence.

The cloud is online storage space. Businesses can benefit from economies of scale by integrating cloud computing services. Instead of spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on physical storage infrastructure, companies can rent data storage spaces from cloud service providers.

Benefits of Using the Cloud for Your Business

1. Rapid Access to Data and Information

Developers can perform tasks efficiently when information is accessible on the cloud. Relying on in-house hardware causes slow information obtaining process.

2. Cost-effectiveness

Constructing and organizing a data center is costly. The business owner must buy the hardware and tools necessary for day-to-day activities. However, when using cloud technology to replace a physical data center, the business only has to pay for the cloud services offered.

3. Data Safety

Data is kept securely in the cloud. With certain functions, such as encryption, information is safe. Storing data in data centers is risky. If any laptop or software gets stolen, there will be a breach in security.

4. Inexhaustible Space

There is unlimited data availability when companies use the cloud to store data. There isn’t any need to buy extra memory devices.

5. Backup and Restore

When data gets lost, it is challenging to retrieve data in a data center. But the cloud service providers backup data in the cloud, protecting firms from data loss.

6. Vast Range of Options

There is a wide range of options for companies when using cloud services.

7. Enhanced Cooperation

Since most of the data is available on the cloud in an organized manner, workers in a business can collaborate and carry out duties independently while still working as a unit.

8. Flexibility

Cloud computing enables employees of a business to work from anywhere while still being able to access data needed for their functions. This flexibility has enhanced the efficiency of remote workers.

Hiccups Associated with Cloud Services

1. Internet Connection Downtimes

Cloud services can be like a smooth ride till when the internet connection gets flawed. This situation could last for a few hours and would impair functionality. Server issues with the cloud service company can also be a source of worry for businesses.

2. Security Problems

Cloud services are secure to a tremendous extent, but they are not entirely safe. In particular, a poll by Statista revealed that the top cloud security concern is data leakage (64% of users that voted).

3. Poor Customer Support

Some cloud service companies have poor customer support systems. This issue affects their users (businesses that use their services).

4. Technical Problems

Choosing the wrong cloud service company can lead to frustration due to poor services. It is always best for business owners to do research before choosing.

5. Cloud Service Provider Going out of Business

Companies come and go. Sometimes, cloud service providers can decide to stop all functions. However, a memo is sent to all businesses using their services to transfer all data to a new service provider.

How Much Cloud Adoption is Enough?

The amount of cloud adoption or function a business needs depends on the industry to which the company belongs. Some businesses set their limits at 80%, while others set theirs as low as 50%. Therefore, there isn’t a specific value.

Business Applications Useful to Small Businesses in the Cloud.

1. Accounting and Payroll Software

Accounting software is essential for small enterprises to access workers’ bank details in the cloud. It also helps control expenditure, income flow, and other financial information.

2. Project Management Software

Professional project management software from a reputable cloud service company can help organize and break down tasks for workers into different segments.

3. Communication Software

Every successful business has workers. These employees carry out different tasks but need to communicate to ensure effectiveness. Communication software allows the ease of proper workflow. 86% of employees have revealed that a lack of communication is the primary source of company failures.

Small businesses in the cloud can access the above applications. Other applications include public relations software, website building, and customer relationship management software.


Our company provides excellent cloud-based services. Many companies use our project management software. With different functionalities which make tasks more straightforward, the cloud for small businesses hasn’t ever been this easy. The software is beneficial to small business owners and IT decision-makers.

With our various cloud-based services like accounting, sales, and payment software, business managers know their business is in great hands.

Contact the company via this link to get started on the journey ahead.



Samuel Oworen

Medical practitioner and writer. Great at writing in various other niches as well!