My life changing experience in a Porta Potty! đźš˝

Samuel Phanor
4 min readMar 9, 2018


So, let me ask you a question, have you ever read something on the inside of a bathroom stall or porta potty that was life changing? Honestly, let’s all think about this for second…

For some of you, I’m assuming that the inner dialogue taking place inside your head at the moment probably sounds something like, “well, Sam the last time I was in a porta potty or a public bathroom stall I probably read something along the lines of “don’t force it!” or “S&S forever”, but let’s be honest here, usually there’s isn’t anything of real significance written on any public bathroom stall that is worth remembering.

I get it, I use to feel the same way, until my last deployment to Iraq, that is when everything changed. I was minding my own business in a porta potty when I just so happened to look up towards the celling and read this…

“If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.” — Napoleon Hill

Well sitting there with my pants down to my ankles and to be quite honest, feeling complete sorrow for myself and my current situation. Being deployed to Iraq, away from my son and my family, and dealing with the tragic truths of living in an active warzone, had managed to chip away at somethings. My morale was broken to the point where I was begging to think and feel, that I couldn’t do nothing right! Long behold, this magical inscription written with a green sharpie by a fellow soldier, and authored by some guy named Napoleon Hill (who to be honest, at the time never heard of) made me think! Believe me this, my body gave me no other options but to sit there, so I truly took the opportunity to put some thought into this quote written above me.

Once I left the porta potty, I had two main goals in mind; to do some small things in a great way and to find out who heck this guy Napoleon Hill really was.

Well to my enjoyment, I was able to accomplish quite a few things that had an immense impact on my platoon throughout my deployment, which in turned helped aid my platoon in accomplishing our mission and returning home to our families safely!

So, that guy I mentioned, Napoleon Hill, I have to admit, he was a pretty cool guy, and he wrote some pretty amazing books in the early 1900’s that to my surprise are actually still completely relevant today.

And yes, that one day I was stuck in the porta potty for what seemed like eternity, lead me to Napoleon Hill, who coincidentally lead me to realizing how vital books are in our everyday lives and how much of an influence books have on us.

And to be honest, I was never the type to just sit down with a book and read for fun, especially throughout my college and high school years. Reading was forced, either by my teachers or my parents and that totally, unadulteratedly killed any desire or passion that I ever had to sit down and read a book for FUN. Beyond what I was forced to read, reading was a thing I did strictly to get by in life and I did it at the bare minimum necessary. However, over the years I went through phases where I would dive deep into a book series like, The Hunger Games or Maze Runner, and then not touch another book for a year.

The day that I was trapped inside of the porta potty was like a domino effect, it lead me to learning all about Napoleon Hill, which lead me to realizing my love for books and reading. One book that has always stood out among the crowd is Think and Grow Rich. It is an A-MAZ-ING book. Think and Grow Rich dives deep and discussing faith, persistence, decision making, and procrastination, it also defines what it really means to be rich. Being rich is all about how deep the quality of our friendships are, family lives, work relationships and spiritual peace.

This all has ultimately lead me to this exact point, where I can say that my porta potty experience literally changed the way I perceived life. I mean, if you want something that is a complete mindset shift and you haven’t read this book yet, check it out. I’ll be honest, I couldn’t put the book down. I was obsessed…and I have been ever since. This is not a sales pitch to buy anything, however Think and Grow Rich literally change every aspect of my life, my perception was literally shattered and refashioned.

For me that singular experience of the writing on the wall, steamrolled into getting exposure to so many different and positive ideologies. My porta potty experience has undoubtedly helped me swim in this everchanging world with great strides and awareness that I believe I wouldn’t have been able to, if it wasn’t for that moment.

Most importantly, it’s continuing to make me an all-around happier person.

So, what’s my conclusion? Read every day. Read things you love. Read the thing you’re not expected to read, learn about life and the world. And if you are ever in a porta potty keep an eye out, you might just read something that changes your life!

Are you looking for a life changing program that I currently use check out this link: It’s awesomeness!

Sam Out!!

Thanks for reading ❤️

This publication is powered by Samuel Phanor ;)

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