9 Amazing Formulas to Write Intriguing Headlines in 3 Minutes

A good headline has its own formula. Bloggers and content marketers have a headline formula that works well for them.

Sabina Writes
3 min readMar 30, 2023
Headline generator.com

Most views, shares, and clicks from readers come from a catchy headline. The headlines that keep the audience hooked get more views and shares.

Catchy headlines make the headline attractive and captivating. Great headlines make the readers respond and react. Good headlines are the reason people click on your article.

On average, 5 times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent 80 cents out of your dollar. — David Ogilvy

But what makes these headlines interesting enough to click on them?

There are infinite ways to write an effective headline. Here are 9 amazing formulas to write intriguing headlines in 3 minutes.

1. Who else wants Something

The best headlines want social proof. The Who Else Wants It formula shows other people also want it.

For instance:

  • Who Else Wants to Work Less and Get Paid More
  • Who Else Wants a Free Social Marketing Training?

2. Secrets of Something

The second headline formula is secrets. Secrets intrigue the curiosity of readers. Who wouldn’t like to know a secret? The readers assume they get access to information inside and that’s why it is more clickable.

For instance:

  • The Untold Secrets of Successful Blogging
  • 5 Secrets to Effective Time Management

3. Here’s How

The third formula is simple and straightforward. Make readers realize you can help them achieve something they want.

For instance:

  • Here's How Women Can Look Younger
  • Here's How You Can Double Organic Leads

4. Little Known Methods

Similar to secrets and how to, little-known methods work on the idea that if something is little known, you may get the benefit of people who don’t know.

For instance:

  • 5 Little Known Methods to Gain More Followers
  • 8 Little Known Methods But Effective Methods to Avoid Stress

5. Quick Solution

This headline formula shows instant gratification. Most people want things to happen quickly, and they want headlines that promise instant results.

For instance:

  • 5 Quick Ways to Fix your Search Engine Rankings
  • 10 Quicks Methods to Get Rid of Spam Comments

6. Now You Can Have a Good Thing and another Good thing

These are two good things that were not previously possible.

For instance:

  • Now You can Have your Mac and Use Chrome
  • Now You Can Beat the Pros without Hardwork

7. How to Do Something Like World Example

Identify what your headline needs and combine it with the best example. You can also add a number in your headline if you like.

For instance:

  • How to Sing like Robbie Williams
  • How to blog like Seth Godan

8. All You Need to Know About Something

This headline formula shows there is no hard effort required, and people become curious to read about it.

For instance:

  • All You Need to Know About Facebook Advertisement
  • Everything You Need to Know Getting Fit

9. Numbers (Superlative) Or Something

Readers love lists. Lists are easy to read and digest. A list of things works like a magnet if you know an audience that is interested in reading it.

For instance:

  • 6 Insightful Social Media Video Interviews
  • 15 Must-See Interactive YouTube Adds

Thanks for reading. I hope these formulas will help you write intriguing and powerful headlines in less time.

If you are struggling to write headlines, then you can solve this problem with just one click.

Get the Headline Mastery Guide Free!

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Sabina Writes

Blogger/Write about writing tips, and mental health issues.