It was great to meet!

Samuel Zwaan
2 min readFeb 12, 2018


Crypto market moving sideways? Are you a bit bored? What to do now? Well I can certainly recommend organizing a meet up or going to a meet up! Last weekend, on February 10th, we had an Ark/Crypto meet up in Utrecht (The Netherlands). We met up in werkspoorcafe De Leckere (a local beer brewer) who had just opened a nice location. We wanted a nice informal evening combined with some talks about Ark, blockchain and crypto currency in general.

With a beer in one hand we started off the evening by meeting the people we might have never seen face to face, but talk to on a daily basis on the Ark slack. It’s great to finally meet the community and as such we also wanted to highlight one of the amazing things within Ark, the Ark Community fund. Our first chat showed some of the projects that came out of ACF as well as how you can make a proposal top get your Ark idea funded. Making a proposal will soon become a lot easier, we showed a sneak peak of the new website and how you can hand in a proposal in a much easier way.

After the Ark Community Fund chat we took a break with some well earned ‘bitterballen’. After this snack Dutchdelegates continued with an introduction to blockchain technology and the different consensus mechanisms (proof of work, proof of stake and delegated proof of stake). In the picture above us we also see Kai who is one of the founders of Blockport. It was great to have Blockport present as well who had the opportunity to converse with all the people who joined the Meet Up.

More on the Ark Meet up, Ark Community Fund or want to learn more about some Ark basics, come join the Ark slack! Get an invite via And remember, feeling bored? Go to a meet up or organize one! There are regular Ark meet ups in Berlin, delegate Del is organizing one in NYC soon and recently Calidelegates organized a very cool and successful meet up in LA!

